Jul 15, 2004 21:45
well today was fun kinda...i woke up at 10:50 and had a shower, then watched tv and called nikki and what not, then lisa called and we talked for a bit. sara came over at about 3ish we hung here for a bit then we went to dq and i got a moolatte=<3 ... then we came back to my place she talked on the comp w. dylan<3....and i watched lizzie & the rest of my family chanel shows cuz im just cool like that..then we went to tims. and som freaks were honking. and stuff. sara got her muffin, then she ate it andwe drove past dylans house and he was walkin outta his house me and my big mouth said theres dylan, so sara did a U turn and started to talk to him, i wouldn't look at him because i was soo embrassed*i can't spell* {sara i will get you back}then we came back to my house and talked to dylan<3and said sorry i was so shy and he was like don't worry about it with a smiley face, so i didn't feel so stupid. we talked some more and figured out that we were gunna meet him at st marys.. but that didn't end up happening for sum reason. who knows why?! he called and said his mama wasn't home yet. but i unno why that matters. so we went and saw megs at work she is just so hot!! then i came home cuz theres nothing to do in this shitty town.