God, What Have I done to deserve this judgement?

Feb 08, 2005 22:50

A little History:...I'm going to narrow it down a bit...

Well...Today was a weird day. I spent four hours in Madnikoff's class. I don't think he hates me as much as he did before. We watched this movie about the "Monkey Trial". It's about evolution and how this man named John T. Scopes was indicted for teaching evolution. His lawyer Clarence Darrow (famous criminal lawyer- which I might add was -still is- one of the greatest lawyers in the world) made William Jennings Bryan( which ran for president 3 times/ was a Presbyterian Fundamentalist-he joined the prosecution, he wanted to "destroy" Scopes) look like an idiot on the stand during the trial. Bryan went on the stand as an expert on the Bible but Darrow used great tactics to make him seem foolish, he used the bible against Bryan (which I thought was clever but scrupulous.) What I didn't like about the movie is that any witness Darrow called to the stand was said to be "irrelavent" to the case-- ok since when have zoology, geology, archyology and what not have not been associated with evolution? The people of "Bible belt South" (otherwise known as Tennessee) seemed very narrowminded because of this. Anyways, Scopes was found guilty and fined $100 (then changed to $200 -in the movie- when Bryan complained that fine was not enough and the punishment was not big/good enough) William Jennigns Bryan died five days later of a Stroke (even though in the movie he died right after the trial.In the court room.)

The biggest of all ironies is that Darrow was Bryan's campaign manager ( or something like that) in 2 out of the 3 elections. They were also close friends before their diffirences "seperated" them.

You have to see this movie. I loved it , but the original one ( yes it is in black and white - don't die.)

My views:

Well I believe that God created the earth in 7 days. THOUGH I do not actually belive that it was literally 7 actual days. To God 1 day is like a million years to us and 1 million years is like a day to him.

I didn't like the way Christians acted in the movie. They were promoting violence -->talking about "killing" Scopes. Even the "reverend" damned people to hell. A reverend is not suppose to do that. Religion is suppose to comfort you not scare you to death.

I am not that much of a religious person. I belive in God and all he has done but I DO NOT believe in all the rules (except the 10 commandments- I DO believe in this) that the church adds on to it. I don't belive in things as : not wearing makeup to church, wearing skirts on sundays, not having piercings or tatoos...things like that. I am not narrow minded; I do accept and respect other people's views.

People think that just because you are Christian that you are narrow-minded and that you close out anything that doesn't have to do with God. Also that you will force them to believe something they don't want to believe.

If you know me then you know that I am not like that. I am open to any theories - that doesn't mean I believe them- It just means that I respect those theories. God gave me the power to think and choose- I decide to do what I want. That is either to follow him or walk on my own. Everyone has a right to believe what they want, I may talk to you about God but I will certainly not force you to believe in him or my views.

For instance, there is this girl in my history class who says that "all christians" are a certain way and makes our views seem some what incorrect. That makes me a little angry and dissapointed. She doesn't like it when people talk bad about her views or label her yet she likes to label other people.

Jesus What have I done to deserve this Judgement?
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