Nov 08, 2004 20:59
just something i was thinking about...
did you know that it costs forty thousand dollars a year to house each prisoner? damn..for forty thousand bucks apiece ill take a few prisoners into my house,i already have bars on the windows, i dont think we should give free room and board to criminals...i think they should have to run twelve hours a day on a treadmill and generate electricity...and,if they don't want to run,they can rest in the chair thats hooked up to the generator!
if you're lucky enough to get a girl that honestly and truthfully cares for you..and you know that...cherish her...cherish her love because you never know when her ex bf will come along and take it away from kdding Erin...but seriously...why do guys always want things their way? if you really love someone...i mean really love someone not just say you do to get some play, wouldnt you be willing to give up anything and everything to be with them? wouldnt you do whatever it took to make them happy?, people tend to always want things their own way? why do we refuse to compromise? or why do we compromise instead of giving in to make the other person happy?.besides most of the time you let a girl have her way you get DO get some play...??...she'll let you have your fun but when a woman's done she's done it may even be when you need her the most! ive always been told that..of course ive also been told that hell has no fury than that of a woman...DAMN i should really listen more carefully...
being single really isnt that bad..the only bad part pillow doesnt smell like her anymore, ill be fine, ill get back in the game, back to dating...heh uh oh...
ive got a secret...