fuck the underground

Oct 04, 2005 23:14

so i get thrown out of the fucking converge show tonite, during fucking terror, not for fighting, FOR FUCKING DANCING!!!! yea fucking dancing. apparently i was "punching people" funny when i was dancing the dounche bags who stand by the pit were 4 fucking feet away. so i get put in a chokehold and thorwn out. so the owner of the piece shit club is out front and tells me to leave, i say i didnt do anything why do i have to leave, blah blah. he tells me "he's got to take his guys word for it", so i tell this fucking scumbag i want some of my money back, and he's just like "im a fucking wife beating coke snorting faggot" cant do that. so i get pissed and want to punch him in the mouth because he was raising his voice to me, but liz grab me as i stood up ( i was kneeling talking to him) and tells me to go outside, so i wait outside as liz tries to see if i can get back in. well she comes out about 5 mins later and say that the piece of shit onwer said " you have a condescending smile". so she spit in his face. the club sucked anyways, the sound was shitty and i get to see the same show tomorrow.
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