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b_jud July 7 2004, 19:41:28 UTC
|::| sUrVeY |::|

|::| fIrStS |::|

:: what was your first impression of me?
You have blonde hair. Very blonde hair.
:: do you still feel that way now?
:: how/where did we meet?
Well, we were in the same kindergarten class, but I started to know you the summer after 8th grade.
:: do you remember the first thing we talked about/did together?
Just "Hello" and stuff like that.
:: how long have you known me?
Hmm...personally, a couple years, I've known of you for about 11 years though. Crazy.

|::| aBoUt Us |::|

:: do you think i know you well?
:: do you think you know me well?
:: would you consider us close friends?
Yes, because of the next couple answers.
:: do you think you could tell me anything and trust that i wouldn't tell?

:: could you go to ME for advice?
:: could i go to YOU for advice?
:: what's the most fun thing we've ever done together?
Played gym, hung out at people's houses, stuff like that.
:: have i ever made you mad? when?
Yes, a few times, whenever you would be purposely annoying online.

|::| aBoUt Me |::|

:: whens my birthday?
January 22
:: whens your birthday? <-- ok thats not about me..
February 30
:: how old am i?
:: what color are my eyes?
:: am i too tall/too short?
Juuust right.
:: am i too fat/too skinny?
Juuust right.
:: too white/too tan?
Not too much of either, but more on the white side.
:: loud/ quiet?
Happy medium.
:: optimistic/pestimistic?
Pessimistic. You and getting stressed over track meets.
:: do i talk too much?
:: whats my best physical feature?
You're jacked. (Awkward, maybe, but that's cool for a girl to be non-steroid jacked.)
:: whats my best NON physical feature?
You're funny.
:: am i smart/stupid?
:: who is my best friend?
Pretty much any one of the girls in our "group."
:: who/when was my first kiss?
The K-monster, at some point unbeknowst to me.

|::| wOuLd YoU eVeR |::|

[Me: Yes to all, if we were going out. But I have no interest and I know you don't either. There, I cheaped my way out of that question.]

:: hold my hand? REFER
:: hug me? TO
:: kiss me? ABOVE
(i took out screw me.. cause thats just wierd)

|::| fUtUrE |::|

:: what do you think i'll be when i grow up?
Athletic/physical trainer, workout person.
:: if i achieve something great, what will it be?
:: do you think we'll stay in touch?
Yeah. We'd better.

|::| jUsT fOr KiCkS |::|

:: give me a nick name and say why you picked it
"Sar," because it's a shortened form of "Sarah."
:: have you ever had a dream that i was in? what was it about?
I don't remember. It's very possible, but I just forget.
:: what color do i remind u of? why?
Right now, yellow, 'cause it's the most flamboyant color of your AIM font.
:: what song do i remind you of? why?
"Behind Blue Eyes" because of your username.
:: what movie do i remind you of? why?
I'm not sure. Probably the "Sarah Moskey" trilogy.
:: is there ne thing you wanna tell me?
I've wanted to tell you this for months, but I have never gathered up the courage; I play tennis. (Yeah, complete joke, don't worry.)
:: do you wanna kick my ass now for making you answer all these questions? <-- thats a sarah moskey original. (c)
Yeah, I wanna beat the living hell out of you.


b_jud July 8 2004, 18:56:00 UTC
":: do you think you could tell me anything and trust that i wouldn't tell?"
I say yes.

(I forgot to answer that question)


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