Feb 18, 2005 16:58
Ah I haven't listened to Route 215 for like eveeeeeeer. Im insanely tired for no apparant reason? Blah. And I feel all sore. Today was so nice. I woke up super early, like 7, then went and found James was also awake (with just his boxers on ;) ) And gave him a big kiss & got in bed with him. Then we watched Lizzie McGuire with my sister, had breakfast & got dressed. Then we went to Chorleywood so James mum could pick us up, But she was late so we walked round Chorleywood & all the rude boys from James school were there (why they were up at 10.30 in the morning I don't know) and were all like ''Aite James, safe blad??!?! got a lighter?!?!'' & whatever. Then James mum came, and drove us to his house. And then we spent the whole time in his amazingly comfy double bed until my mum came at half four :) And how cool am I, Im going to London Fashion Week tomorrow, because my Mum is like soooo cool & has connections. So yeah, Im gonna come back with loads of fancy clothes. Mwahahaha.