Dec 12, 2004 21:03
1. Last movie you saw in a theater? The Blue collar comedy tour
2. What book are you reading right now? not a fucking thing
3. Favorite Board Game? sorry
4. Favorite Magazine? cosmo
5. Favorite Smell? pizza
6. Comfort Foods? pizza and ice cream
7. Favorite Sounds? a guitar or drum solo
8. Worst feeling in the world? lonliness
9. What is the first thing you think of when you wakeup in the morning? It's morning already?!
10. Favorite fast food place? Chik-fil-a
11. Future child's name? i dont fucking know! shit im 16!
12. Finish this statement. If I had a lot of money I would... spend it all
13. Do you drive fast? hehe hell yes
14. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? one.. but its has messed up arms and legs =(
15. Storms- cool or scary? ALWAYS SCARY!
16. What was your 1st car? nada damn thing yet but probably a mazda 6
17. Favorite drink? Blue Smurf! =D
18. Finish this statement. If I had the time I would... loose weight
19. Do you eat the stems on broccolli? ewk no
20. If you could dye your hair any color, what would you choose? chocolate marron
21. How many different towns/cities have you lived in? oh shit i dunno
22. Glass half emty or half full? half empty
23. Favorite sport to watch? soccer im hispanic would'do you want from me
24. Say one nice thing about the person you got this from. fuck no i hate the bitch i wanted the survey! lmao
25. Toilet Paper/Paper towel,over or under? wha?
26. Morning person or night owl? night
27. Over easy or sunny side up? over easy
28. Place to relax? my bed
29. Favorite Pie? is cheescake a pie or a cake?? if its cake.. then apple pie.