Aug 10, 2004 22:18
homework, homework, homework. awesome just what i wanna do right before i go back to school. don't ya just love how xavier makes our summers fun? although i am way behind on the work and am definitely far from finished, i am not panicking. i shall not let xavier control my emotions nor my sanity. that job has already been reserved for medications and alcohol. haha now for a more serious topic...
kaylea was so nice to kidnap me yesterday morning and after spending all day with her we had an unusually nice, uncrazy cheer practice. THEN, we went to see Napoleon Dynomite with Justin and his roommate(boy from WA). they rode their bikes from the Biltmore Palms ALL the way to Harkins Camelview 5! then after the movie he tells me... "i had a wonderful time. u know i'de love to ride my bike out here again so i could see you." ummm sweet intentions, but can u say CREEPY? i feel bad for the kid
freshman orientation tomorrow (big sis' go)... at least we don't wake up early for it