Looking back on last night...

Jul 06, 2005 17:59

it kind of sucked. I guess I am probably just missing people I never see anymore and they all seem to be too busy for me now. I have been completely pulled into a new group which I still feel doesn't fully accept me (yeah, that was definitely an oxymoron or a paradox of some sort...) But it seems going away for a week makes everyone realize they can do without you, so they don't have you around as much.

Apparently mixing groups doesn't work cuz I tried having one group join another group, but the second group decided they had to be home at 10:30 which I know is a blatant lie... so I guess I should take what I can get and hang with youth group whenever they're doing something, since everyone else is busy all the time...

Would getting an iPod Mini and a digital camera and a laptop and all sorts of other fancy stuff really make me happy? Or would I just think of something else I wanted more and discard those things? People have become corrupt in America, as everyone thinks of everything like Twix: two for me and none for you. There isn't as much sharing going on anymore, it's all about self-fulfillment with whatever temporary fix you can use your money to buy. Kind of depressing. People in Mexico barely had any money at all and yet no one was depressed, everybody was happy, and they shared everything they had. People in America have ample money, get everything they want, get depressed, are never truly happy because they always want something more, and it's all about me, myself, and I.


If everyone is too busy for me, then I'll just be too busy for them.
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