Title: It Was The Smartest Thing I Ever Did, Because Now You're Here
x_avecia_xRating: PG-13
Warning: A few sweary words, nothing too shocking.
Word Count: 2,008
Disclaimer: I do not own Community - although I would totally marry Dan Harmon then claim half in our (inevitable) divorce settlement - that is unless he conceeds to my end game Jeff/Annie
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Thank you for helping to put my mind at rest about the OOC/IC tug of war in my head. I got the courage to continue with this story after watching Advanced Gay when Jeff had a go at Pierce's father saying that he would only have lived half a life if he hadn't raised a son and it just spurred me on. So yeah, I agree he would freak out a bit then stay and figure things out.
And you're kind of right about the feelings Jeff is having for Annie, but its not entirely like giving himself permission. He always had the feelings, if you think back to the beginning of this story. He was awkward around her, they hadn't really spoken and it bothered him. He sought her out on Halloween to try to talk to her because he felt bad for denying his attraction to her (in Paradigms of Human Memory) etc etc. So it's always been there and if Annie hadn't ended up pregnant then he would have probably gotten to the point of acting on his feelings (if Annie would have let him) sooner (in my head anyways). So it's more about Annie acknowledging that there's a connection that he feels able to be more open than him finally allowing himself to go there. But you're on the right track :)
Wow that was long. And I should be able to update by the weekend if not tomorrow night :)
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