I meant to do this when Cesare hit 5k, but I didn't feel like it at the time. So 6k Anything Goes meme! I also play Kusama Nowaki, so please let me talk at you about him, too. ♥
ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, First Impressions, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. i.e. My character's opinion of your character or
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Fables is about a bunch of refugees who happen to be fairytale characters from a hundred different worlds (the Homelands). Only you don't know if they inspired the fairytales or they're the fairytales brought to life.
The creator is a bit of a Conservative, but you can ignore his ranting most of the time and concentrate on the story. The Fable community is a big secret because they were hiding from the Adversary and the normal humans (Mundanes) Cindy is Fabletown's only off-the-books agent who masquerades as a bitchy shoe-seller but is actually a super-spy with 200 years of shady business under her belt. She's the one who gets sent out if something threatens Fabletown's security. She's James Bond and Jack Bauer with tits! Meaning that she can use sex in her line of work--damn you, double standards.
Prince Charming had three wives--they're all awesome ladies despite occasionally suffering from plot. Snow White was Deputy Mayor until she had kids. Sleeping Beauty is a secret weapon who sacrificed herself to put the Adversary's capital city to sleep. Cinderella serves her community by kicking ass all over the world and back in the Homelands. Maybe Charming felt bad about it in the end, because he finally stepped up and did something awesome during the battle with the Adversary's Empire.
But they're not safe yet and still nowhere near their goal of reclaiming the Homelands as of issue #100. And the story goes on . . .
Cesares' extra special Camp relationships?
One person Cindy/Tiffany most want in Camp?
But if it wasn't a matter of competency or missing time . . .
Cindy would like someone to update her on what's going on at home. Maybe Bigby since he was wandering around in the Mundy in search of a potential new home for the Fables. Also, she'd need him to back her up for the whole "it's not so much spilling secrets as Camp spilling them for you" thing because there are strict rules about that.
Tiffany would like to see how Granny Weatherwax deals with Camp, just out of curiosity. And she would be looking for a convenient haystack to duck behind when Granny goes ballistic.
Reverse for Cesare?
Why were you attracted to playing Cindy?
Cindy is very fun to play because she can act nice and charming while being a complete hardass while on the job. She can also annoy people intensely--seriously, I need to play that out more.
Why does Nowaki want to be a doctor?
How do your characters spend a typical day in Camp?
Cindy: Sleeps for three to six hours before getting up and sneaking around, may go for a morning ride around Camp before breakfast, deposit scraps for the stable mice she's been getting to know, look in on the pushcart, not-work while keeping an eye on things, talk to people she knows or doesn't know, eat lunch, not-work some more while on the laptop reading the news and catching up on fashion, evening jog around Camp before dinner, may visit the bar for a drink, write a few more emails to the Director/her suppliers/home even though it might not work, maybe sneak around some more . . . when she goes to bed is a mystery and staggered in no fixed pattern.
Cesare's schedule is more dependent on the day of the week. On Sundays he gets up early and goes to the chapel for an hour or so. Actually, he does this in the morning many days. Tues-Thurs he is now working in the library for three hours in the middle of the day. He has lessons with Shaun scheduled in there somewhere, too... These obligations aside, one can assume that he wakes after 4-7 hours of sleep and goes to the chapel and to tend to Romulus. He goes to the library and for a ride, although the order and duration of these changes depending on his mood. Breakfast is typically grabbed from the kitchen in the consulate. Lunch comes from there or the messhall. If he is done with these things after lunch he talks to people (or bothers Shaun or makes out with Rue, sometimes all three). Dinner is again either at the messhall or the consulate and he then stays up late because all the research needs to be done and also Camp is so tempting to explore. \o\;
What are Tiffany and Cindy's rooms at Camp like?
Cindy lives in the UN cabin. She has done it up very nicely to give the impression that the person who lives in it is a normal, stylish woman who organizes her shoes in clear plastic boxes and takes care of her clothes. It looks comfortable enough and even has Tuesday's food rations stored under the bed. Her bed looks fairly neat most of the time because she seldom sleeps in it. There's a locked drawer in the wardrobe that contains some cash, the last passport she was using before she got to Camp and a few bits of jewellery--i.e. completely unimportant but normal items. She would have nailed wallpaper up, but that would have looked like she put too much effort into it.
Now you've got me curious . . . Reverse for both of yours?
Cesare Man, I drew so many sketches of his room in Spanish last semester... Basically he came to camp with a couple chests of things--clothes, books, wine, etc. He lives at the Canadian consulate, I think in one of the rooms that is technically a double. One way or another he keeps it very neat, with all of his personal belongings put away in the chests or closet. He's rearranged it so that his bed is facing the door because he is not comfortable keeping it sideways and underneath the windows. Somuchparanoia. There are several books checked out from the library and his laptop on either the bedside table or his bed itself. If one was to check the drawer on the bedside table one would notice the note left in there (and fairly frequently switched out) for his tiny!self with instructions on how to behave if he appears in Camp.
What is the biggest danger either of your characters have had to face?
Tiffany's life has been full of excitement since she was nine. So far, she was in danger of dying in a dream in Fairyland or losing to the Fairy Queen, in danger of losing her mind and body to Hiver, and most recently in danger of getting possessed by the Cunning Man or getting persecuted as a witch. The Wintersmith wasn't threatening her directly, but he was bringing about eternal winter to the world, so he was a pretty big danger too.
Cindy's life is danger. Even right this moment in canon. But she's pretty hard to kill. Her most vulnerable moment was probably when she was a princess running for the Last Castle after the Adversary's armies invaded--and this was just one part of an invasion force that conquered a hundred worlds. Princess was not badass back then and probably unable to defend herself effectively. The other side were not very nice to female prisoners so getting caught was not an option unless she was prepared to slit her own throat there and then.
What does Cesare think of Camp?
What was Prince Charming like?
He's Prince Charming--not Prince Loyal or Prince Monogamous. Meaning he will fall in love with a girl, make her fall for him and then cheat on her with the next girl he falls in love with. The cycle will repeat itself endlessly and only those who have been jilted by him are immune to his charms.
It's a condition or something--he has canonically had over 1500 conquests before his 15th birthday. As all his wives and conquests will attest--he's damn good in the sack. What his wives can't forgive him for is getting married despite knowing that he's the least monogamous person in the universe. Because whoever he marries becomes the princess who will be stuck with a cheating douche.
By the time the Adversary's forces invade, Cinderella and Charming's marriage is on the rocks but they're putting on a facade for the public even while on the run. This was Charming's lowest point because he used his married status to get on the last boat of the Homelands. Cindy made him promise to divorce her the moment they got to the new world and leave the North American continent immediately after that.
Which he did for around 200 years before coming back to sponge off wife #1 and #2 for a while. Then he exercises some cunning to get rich and tries to be a politician. Like his conquests, he gets the vote because of his charisma and becomes Fabletown's Mayor. As usual, disillusionment sets in and he switches portfolios before the big strike against the Adversary. He's much better as a military commander and before any disillusionment can set in, he does something fantastically heroic.
So Prince Charming came a full circle from the ideal prince to a debauched playboy, a schemer and redeemed hero.
Canon/Headcanon for Cesare and Nowaki's relationship histories?
Nowaki was pretty obviously used to the whole gay thing before he first hooked up with Hiro, to the point that he was very clear that what he wanted was a long term relationship in spite of the fact that he was still a teenager at the time. I would love it if canon went into his backstory more and sadly his one flashback is pre-hormones so it's not helpful for this question. I imagine he must have dated at least to an extent before Hiro, although it was nothing as intense and didn't last all that long. Knowing canon (and seeing in canon how comfortable he was already) he probably had sex with at least one other man prior to Hiro. He started working after middle school, so there're a few years in there for him to continue canon's pattern of "cute young man dating sexy older man". :|b;; After being with Hiro for a while he went to America for a year, was totally celibate, came back to Japan, and now they might as well be married. He's trying to get Hiro to let him meet his parents.
Cesare is still sixteen, so even though, yes, different time period and different expectations etc etc, this is all still relatively new to him. Untranslated canon apparently makes it very clear that he has some sexual experience (I. I believe they get a hooker at one point.) but also that girls are still shiny and new~~ Headcanon is that, well, logically, he's a Borgia. And one old enough to be invited to the grown-up parties. During which his father is all over his one of the young in-laws not to mention the dancing girls--his idea of a healthy relationship is somewhat skewed, as Cindy might have picked up on. I imagine his first experience was with a girl about his age and rank either at one of these parties or just with one of the girls who worked in the house. At sixteen he really looks noticeably older than even at fifteen, so I'd guess this all took place within the last year and a half or so.
What sorts of jobs does Cindy do?
What does Cindy not do?
Off the top of my head . . . ambassador, mission scout, undercover agent, diplomatic liaison, assassin, retriever of missing Fables who might be in trouble, double agent, honey-trap agent, homicide investigator, the one that the Fables send out to handle situations that compromise secrecy . . .
And I can't think of another question because I have to dash off to work now.
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