Letter to an assassin

Apr 27, 2005 14:54

Letter to an assassin.

If you kill me, don't tell me first.
Don't make me picture their pain, don't make me watch them cry.
Don't tell them I told you it was okay.

Don't make it long. Don't make them suffer.
I may innundate you with Solipsist bullshit...just do it quickly and I don't need to care.

If you kill me, let me see your face.
I want to know who you are if you are
a man, a mask, a villain, a blade, a
or me.
If it's me, I want to know.

If you kill me, tell them I fought bravely.
Somewhere, somewhere inside, some part of me is fighting bravely. She's just going to lose. She knows she's going to lose.
And tell them that the blood on the sheets, and on the tissues strewn on the floor, and on the
filthy "bandages" of torn canvas bags...
tell them they're your fault.

If you kill me, don't be afraid to lie to them.
I do it all the time.

If you kill me, mangle my features and destroy my body
so that my ugliness will be obscured in the grave
And the failure of these years will not be visible through the protection of your crime.

But do it cleanly.
And time it well
In an hour of their guilt where the tide is lower.
(comparitively speaking)

But most of all, if you kill me,
Don't tell me first.
So that I can live on satisfied that
I don't want it like I do.
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