(no subject)

Oct 13, 2012 02:58

Despite the dramatic, whiny updates I make here, no one at all outside of here knows what goes on in my life. Anyways.

Belle makes me so happy. All of my snakes make me happy, but she's definitely my favorite. It's so calming to just have her with me. I think this is one of the reasons I love my snakes so much. She's half inside my shirt now, half coiled on my boobs, and just resting her head on my shoulder. And it makes me smile so much just to have her relaxed with me.

Nippy has finally stopped snapping at me and actually biting me. I think the first day she probably tagged me 20+ times. She was so stressed and so aggressive. I've had to work with her daily, handling her with gloves and trying to calm her down. She's such a beautiful snake... I'm SO happy that the patience with her biting paid off, and she she's relaxed so much with me. I held her two days ago for an hour, without gloves, and it feels so good to be able to socialize with her without aggression. It made my day when I was able to take off the gloves and handle her, she even relaxed and chilled out wrapped around my arm.

I don't even care that my room smells a little bit like terrarium now. I work to keep it from stinking, but it's definitely obvious I have four snake tanks in it, haha. I don't even care.

So yeah. I guess this update is about how much I love my snakes. They make me smile so much. I'm pretty relaxed anyways, even when I'm stressed, but when I handle them I have to be cool and calm. Once they're in my hands, though, I don't know how to be anything but chilled and relaxed. I almost gave Tirion, my little guy, to a very good friend who is really interested in keeping snakes, but I just couldn't do it. They are all part of my life now, and they're actually keeping me really grounded and giving me a routine, which is good for me. I got Sandy all set up to pick up a hatchling anyways now, and I think he's set on a ball python.

This is me without any eye makeup on (A RARE SIGHT!) bring STUPIDLY proud of Nippy, my angry-turned-almost-gentle-babygirl.

ANother, me with some mascara at least haha, and Nippy being her absolutely beautiful self.

snakes, love

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