I feel really bad now. In a previous post, I called this one guy in my programming class a douche. I found out that he's a really nice guy. The other day our class was cancelled and he didn't know. I told him and he was like "oh shit!" because he was inbetween cars and had no way of getting home. Even though he lives in Pekin, I decided to do the noble thing and I gave him a ride home. During the ride, I got to know him better and he's a very brilliant person. Apparently, he took some programming classes in high school and actually does know what he's talking about. He even told me about some stuff that he's pissed off about in our programming class, namely the teacher and how she teaches. Travis is a good kid and I regret having made an unjust accusation.
In other news, I get to write a paper about how George W. Bush should be impeached. It's totally going to rock tits. And check out this site:
http://www.votetoimpeach.com It's all about impeaching Bush, and even lists seventeen points on which he should be impeached.
Time for Family Guy. Auf Wiedersehen.