Sep 12, 2004 16:19
alright alot has happened since the last time that ive up dated so time for the story.
me and kim (whoreish ex-girlfriend) were fighting everyday. she didnt know that i knew she had been cheating on me for quite some while. so i decided that i would sleep with her two best friends to get back, i know its wrong. but only managed to get one in the bag. all of my friends thought that it was wrong and told her but me being the person that i am weaseld my way out of it and she didnt believe the stories that she was being told. me and lori had sex 3 times one time being in the back of kims car, again i know it was wrong but kim was up to the same type of shit. i finally came home from work one night and decided that it was enough and that i couldnt deal with the shit any more. so i decided that if kim wanted me gone that i would go. so i left and told kim that while i was gone to take all of my possesions over to my moms house. guess what it never happened, at least not for 2 weeks and that was only because i kept calling everyday. never did get all of my stuff back from her house untill i decided that i had, had enough once more. she had tried to keep all of the things of mine which ment the most to me. like my class ring, my expensive ass tropical fish, and other shit like that. so i decided to go over there to get my shit and every thing is buried. and actually had to dig through all the stuff in her room. took me all of 3 hours by the way. so i leave with all my stuff in hand. about 2 hours after i got home here come kim, chris , and lori. telling me that they were going to call the police on me fro breaking and entering, now while i was retrieving my stuff from over kims i sat there and talked to kims mom for 10 mins. so it definitly wasnt breaking and entering. but any way kim did call the cops on me. and she did try to punch me in the back of the head, thats a no-no. but i did call the cops and child protective services on her and had i decidecd to go to the police station the next day i could have evey1 in that house arrested. isnt it nice to know that im such a nice person. anyway i havent talked to kim in almost 3 months and dont want to.
as for lori beth morris, she can go kill herself. yea i told you that i wanted shit to be serious between us once kim and i broke up but i guess that all u wanted was some weekend dick, nothing wrong with that at all, the sex with you was definitly better that it was with kim, but u did know what i expected and you did axnowledge it. so guess what that makes you a trifln whore.
so i guess that it makes two of them living under the same roof, cause the weekend i moved out lori and kim moved in together. its a whore house Hahahahaha guess im gettn the last laugh bitdches!