
Jul 15, 2004 09:34

First of all I got something to say to docpimpster04 you need to stop telling everyone you're single when you're going out with miss_thang_32 that just really pisses me off!!..You need to stop fucking lying to people and in you're entries you write about a girl name Ashleigh how you love her, and you miss her, t, and then on one of you're comments, you tell Emily that you like her!!..WTF?.. & trying to get other girls to call you so you know, Stop being so damn childish chris and grow the fuck up!!.. You're nothing but a damn player!!!...Ugh!!..

But anyways lol. sorry I had to say that!!.. It just really pisses me off when people lie!..Oh well, but I cant sleep worth a damn this morning, Im waiting on anthony to e-mail me cause I miss him! hehe..He's gettin off work early today at 12:30ish! :) .. He has a interveiw in JC, then he's coming down here yay!! :) ..Oh yeah to make things clear the last entry, It may sound like anthony & I was having problems, but we're not, it was just a poem I thought was cute!..I think Im gonna get anthony to take me to the park to play basketball, so I can beat his ass!! LMAO..Well I guess Im going to go for now.. xoxo..

anthony, babe i love you more than life itself!.. I can't live one day without you!.. you mean more to me each and everyday!.. you're my everything!!.. you're an angel sent from above to be with me.. I thank god each & everynight for blessing me with such a great boyfriend like you..you're not only my boyfriend, you're my soulmate, bestfriend, lover!..I love you babe!.. xoxoxo..

abeaner05 April Bean, girl we've been friends for along time now huh? hehe.. You're the greatest friend anyone could ever have!..Thanks for being here for me threw everything!..We need to get together soon before school starts back & hang out, I miss the old times lol..Good luck with Josh, I hope everything works out between you to!. & dont mind the ex girlfriend thingy, she has issues lol..& I wish you the best of luck with school/college!.. love ya sis..

freckklez Susan thank you so much for doing my header & icon they look great!..good luck with will! :).. I love yaz!..
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