hullo darling,
fuck im extatic. but sort of pissy because i dont want to go to this stupid wedding. i told my dad "why do they have to get married TODAY?!" no one really wants to go because its not planned out very well and its outside. but we 'have' to. im going to miss my babe. but maybe i'll get home early and we can go to the movies or something. anyway,
yesterday: me alex and cristina went to cesars (empty parentless house) and had a really good time then after a few hours we went to taco bell then went with cristina to chula to get her guitar lessons. and then off we went again to cristinas house. so we spent a few hours there. doing stupid stuff which was still fun and then at about 8 alex's mom came and got us and took me home. and then alex went back to cesars and spent the night. and thats about it.
i fucking love him. and them.
cesar i dont hate you :) i just like whoopin' yo' ass.
happy valentines day.
Marriage is about love not gender.
yesterday :)