so 2005 is officially over. it's kind of sad.. 2005 will never come back again. it's been pretty damn good to me once i sit down and think about it. i've made new and fantastic friends, lost a few that didnt make me any better, had some crazy relationships that drove me mentally insane all while being so much fun, and just experienced it all. 2005 had its ups and downs, but now that its gone, i know how much i'll truly miss it. certain things that happened in 05 will stay in 05.. others will follow me into 06. let the good times roll!
now.. for some memories (not in any particular order)
me & raych
the flowers kevin gave me for our one month.
me and dani boo
the girlies for julie's limo partyyy.
i dont think anyone can forget this haha
me and britt.
my gorgeous babys.
classic picture of the f4ss
a trip to neverrrr forget
i totally hit that in mexico :)
totally the best friend everrr.
beach days<3
seriously some of my fav people.
hookah bar moments.
backyard timessss<3
beach trips with herrrrrr.
yes, we showered together haha.
unforgettable friendships.
these beautiful people.
05 would have been wayy different without her.
same goes for herrr.
my beautiful bubbaaaa.
crazy nights with raychieee.
2005 had the nights of getting ready at hasy's.
bubba and bubs.
my girls, whom i miss.
total stoner moment.
we'll be best friends forever.
died my hair dark red w/ blonde. crazyyy.
the nicest teddy bear everrrr.
reconnected with my maxine!
and as you can tell, we bonded fast again.
jon! my stet stet is amazingggg.
and then i dyed my hair lighter haha
spent quality time with my roo.
yeah, more stoner moments.
my herooooo! hahaha yeah shes high.
disneyland with my cal!
awww old times.(shes blonde and im dark, we switched now haha)
my gorgeous best friend.
we dont need ya'll! haha
more stoner moments! haha
and of course, leanne time!
awww mary's high!
and there was christian<3
and it all ended with becoming best friends with him.
2005 = fantastic.
i made great new best friends, reconnected with lost best friends, and kept the ones that mattered. thank you everyone that impacted me in this past year. you are all truly incredible.