Dressed for Success - Part two

Apr 21, 2009 00:09

Title: Dressed for Success - Part two
Pairing: Paolo Maldini/Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Andrea Pirlo/Adrian Mutu, Cristiano Ronaldo, Cesc Fabregás, Raúl Gonzales, Fernando Torres, David Villa
Rating: PG-13 (will be NC-17 in following parts)
Disclaimer: This is pure fiction!
A/N: AU-fic, if you want to know what it's about go here. And thanks for your support! =D
Previous parts: Part one

Dressed for Success - Part two

On the next morning, at six o’clock in the morning, Cesc, Andrea and Cristiano, filing his nails, were in Paolo’s office. And Paolo was already waiting patiently. Andrea seemed surprised by Cesc, but Cristiano didn’t seem to care at all.

“So, Andrea, Cris, this is Cesc Fabregás, our new model for our campaign,” Paolo simply explained. While Andrea was close to applauding, studying Cesc closely to figure which clothes would be the best for him Cristiano just continued filing his nails, muttering something that sounded like “And you know that I would have been the best for this job.”

“What did you say, Cris?” Paolo asked, smiling amusedly. Cristiano’s head shot upwards.

“Huh? Nothing,” he insisted, and Paolo just grinned.

“Well, Cesc has never modelled before but I am sure that he is talented, so give him a short briefing and the shooting will be in three hours in front of the dome, so… I expect the three of you with a fully dressed Cesc to be there punctual, okay?” Paolo said. Andrea nodded, immediately taking Cesc by the hand and leading the surprised youngster to the design department, while Cristiano followed them, slowly, still concentrated on his nails.

Only some seconds later Paolo heard the sound of someone’s head bumping against an open door and a “Fucking shit!”. He couldn’t help but grin.

Three hours later Andrea, Cesc and Cristiano were waiting in front of il Duomo for Paolo and the photographer to arrive. What scared Cesc a little was that a man holding an alligator on a leash was standing close to them, for he supposed that the alligator should be on the pics, too. Well, he had agreed to do it and now he would pull it through.

Paolo started explaining how the shoot would work.

“Cesc, don’t be scared of that awesome animal here, for he’ll be with you on the pic. That’s Stevie, our alligator. He is used to people lying on him and everything, so just don’t worry and concentrate on the shoot, okay? Now you’ll have ten minutes to get used to Stevie and to make friends with him and then the shoot will start and the photographer will explain to you what he wants, everything clear?” Cesc just nodded, swallowing hard. An alligator called Stevie. Great. Even Cristiano looked scared, being careful that he always was out of reach for the animal, which caused Andrea, who was already stroking Stevie, to grin mischievously.

Cesc was standing next to Andrea, not too sure about what to do. He knew he had to do that now, he knew he’d be famous after this (if he survived it). And fame was worth some risk. So Cesc sat back on his heels and started stroking Stevie’s head. The alligator remained quiet, apparently enjoying it. If only Nando and Villa could see him like that… Cesc suddenly felt proud. Very. And he had to smile. Andrea noticed that, smiling, too.

“Cris, don’t you wanna say hello to Stevie?” Paolo teased. He knew that Cristiano was scared like hell, but it was fun annoying him. Cristiano swallowed hard.

“Um, no, I… No. I just… prefer cats, you know?” the Portuguese said, voice trembling softly. Paolo resisted the urge to laugh and told the photographer to start with the shoot instead. The shoot went better than Paolo would have thought, Stevie doing everything they wanted from him (which was basically not closing his mouth when Cesc had his head between his teeth or not trying to get rid of Cesc when he was lying on him), and the photographer assured that the pictures were awesome. Paolo felt good. Really good. Good because he was sure that he would win that private challenge against Adriana.

After the shoot they all returned to M&F fashion, going through the pictures and choosing the ones for the campaign. Cesc was totally tired. He wouldn’t have expected that being a photo model could be that exhausting. But he had enjoyed it a lot. When Paolo and Adrian, who had come to join them, together with Andrea and Cristiano, had chosen the pictures, Cesc went over to Paolo.

“Um, Mr. Maldini, I… I wanted to ask if… Well, if that was all or if I am allowed to do more for you,” Cesc stammered, blushing with every word. Paolo smiled warmly.

“Of course that wasn’t all. You did great, and I am planning a campaign with some wild animals and well, you got along perfectly with Stevie, so… you’ll do the whole campaign. Why do I need Sandro if I have you? Adriana can have him, I am so sure she will be pissed,” he said, grinning satisfied. Cesc felt like jumping and hugging Paolo, but he didn’t; he just smiled like a child who had just gotten a bar of chocolate. And then he left to tell Raúl and his colleagues about it.

When he was gone Andrea returned to the design departure to get everything cleaned up again (because it always looked like a mess after a shoot) and it was always Andrea who was doing it, because Cristiano didn’t like doing it and Andrea preferred doing it himself to hearing Cristiano complain about it all the time. He also enjoyed the time he had there, just for himself. Or not, considering that the door just opened.

Andrea turned around, checking who it was. And when he saw who it was he smiled.

“Adrian…,” he greeted, leaving everything like it was and walking over to the other man, embracing him. Adrian returned the embrace, pressing his lips against Andrea’s, tightly. They hadn’t seen each other for quite some time and they hadn’t had time to talk or to spend time together. They barely ever had. Andrea missed this. He was a person who would need his lover around more often. And it wasn’t like Adrian was missing Andrea like hell when he was in other cities. After all he had to look after all the M&F fashion stores all over Italy, and there were a lot.

“I have to leave again tomorrow, but tonight I have time and… I want to spend it with you,” Adrian admitted, gently spreading kisses on Andrea’s neck. Andrea smiled, wrapping his arms around Adrian’s waist.

“Of course I want that, too,” he affirmed. Adrian smiled, cradling Andrea’s face.

“So see you at eight at my place?” Adrian asked. Andrea nodded, and before he could say any more than that Adrian already was gone again. It really wasn’t easy for them; they didn’t want anyone from M&F fashion to notice and that wasn’t easy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was half past nine in the evening when Paolo finally arrived at home, happy to know that now he had three days off. Only that days off didn’t mean no calls from colleagues who had questions. But still, he didn’t have to go to work, and after the three days the campaign would be spread all over Milan, which made Paolo happy.

Zlatan was already lying in bed, just waiting for Paolo to join him, and the Italian did, looking rather bad.

“Honey, are you okay?” Zlatan asked, frowning, because Paolo looked rather pale.

“Sure, I just… feel sick a little, but that’s only the stress from the shoot. Let’s just go to sleep, Baby, and tomorrow everything will be fine,” Paolo affirmed. Zlatan wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t start to discuss, because he knew it was senseless. So he just embraced Paolo from behind and let the other man relax against his curve before they both fell asleep.

Not even ten minutes later suddenly Paolo hurried to free himself from Zlatan’s grip, only managing to turn away from him before he was sick on the bed. After that he looked shocked.

“God, I am so sorry, I…,” but he couldn’t go on, for he hurried to get to the toilet. Zlatan followed him, worriedly, sitting down next to Paolo and stroking over his back. Paolo flushed the toilet and leaned against Zlatan. Zlatan could feel how his lover was shivering and he gently laid his arms around Paolo.

“God Zlatan, I am feeling so miserable…,” Paolo whispered, trying to breathe evenly. Zlatan stroked over his head. And was worried.

cristiano ronaldo, raul gonzales, fernando torres, adrian mutu, dressed for success, zlatan ibrahimovic, fic, paolo maldini, david villa, cesc fabregas, andrea pirlo

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