
(no subject)

Jul 13, 2005 13:26

So -

3$ burger night -
I'll assume if Jason and Phil want to go - I'll go / it'll happen if you post you want to go - but yea, after 7 is the requirement with Phil around.

7ish. My house. Meet and greet. Go and eat. Meat and sheat.


- Anime Night - Aaron's at / around 8 or 9ish - just get ahold of him for final times
- Casino Night - maybe with Jason and Phil [pending on them/Jason prolly]
followed by / and / 0r
- Band of Brothers - which we are starting up watching on Wednesdays here at the house. Watching till yea, it's done.


Thursday night - Game night. Like yea.

Friday night - no clue.

Saturday night - [well day I'll be going to a bonsai thing but] no clue. **Hang Out With Katie**

Sunday night - Travis' penis is cut jewish thing. Come celebrate. Leave the bad whores at home, as his parents will be there. **Hang Out With Katie**


Violent reminder recieved last night at 4am for 30 minutes -

There's nothing like a build up of pressure and a required bathroom stay to remind you...
"When you decided to cut red meat out of your diet as a all the time thing, you should have realized - you'd have to mean it."
Owh. Anyway - so even with this - I'll probably still do McNellies - as they have good beef, and Wendy's is THE DEVIL!@#


01:20.PM - XianghuaALPHA: hehe jus a sec
01:21.PM - XianghuaALPHA: ohh that's no fun
01:21.PM - XianghuaALPHA: my new hobbie has gone to shit
01:21.PM - Phil: What is that?
01:21.PM - XianghuaALPHA: I've been going out of my way to call Mary everytime I see her getting into her car and go...'
01:21.PM - XianghuaALPHA: "Hey mAaarry.... Wheeeeere are you goooooin...."
01:21.PM - XianghuaALPHA: hahah
01:21.PM - XianghuaALPHA: she didn't pick up this time!@# lol
01:22.PM - Phil: Yeah, you sitting by the window is really creepy
01:22.PM - XianghuaALPHA: loool
01:23.PM - XianghuaALPHA: you afraid Ill see you doing something bad?
01:23.PM - Phil: Kind of like how a person who micromanages a factory has an office with a one sided mirror facing the production floor....
01:24.PM - XianghuaALPHA: Muahahah - Saif - the task master of your social life.
01:25.PM - Phil: "All he ever wanted was a life of his own"
01:25.PM - XianghuaALPHA: lol


rwthouse, entertainment, saif, events, nerds

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