Nov 21, 2010 14:50
So, this year I am hosting Thanksgiving. It will be me, my husband, and my parents.
I am making a lot of food, and it's totally unhealthy. (Of course, I will be eating TONS of veggies to make up for it.)
So, I am 243 lbs as of 5 minutes ago. I am going to make some healthy habits so that on Friday morning I will not weigh more than 243. (Meaning, I'm going to try and lose about 2 lbs before Tday so I can gain it back. Haha. )
Here are my changes:
1. Workout 10-15 minutes in the morning before going to work. (It's been a good month since I've worked out.)
2. Drink 20 oz of water at work. (Or before 3pm on days I don't work.) (I haven't drank a glass of water in weeks.)
3. One cup of coffee in the morning. No frozen blended stuff.
4. No more Mcdonalds in the morning EXCEPT for Thanksgiving morning. (I'll be up at the crack of dawn, and I don't want more cooking to be done. Besides, my fat ass had been getting mcdonalds for bfast every other morning. Sausage mcmuffin. How I love and loathe you.)
5. Grilled Chicken!
6. One small bottle of coke a day.
So, I have already drank one glass of water today, worked out for 15 minutes, and I have grilled chicken defrosting for dinner, with a side of corn and peas.
Hopefully with these changes, I can afford to pig out on thanksgiving without having a MAJOR meltdown after.