english =0

Oct 27, 2006 22:20

Marisa thank you sooo much, I dunno you think it's good??

Other people can comment, I know it like sucks but I'll be happy wiyh a 70+

Pam Viscome 10/27/06
English Mrs. Depaoli

Neglect: The children on Mango Street do what they want because their parents can’t control them like the Vargas’ children.

Extreme: People go to extremes to fill their lives like Sally who messes around with random boys for fun and her mother doesn’t care.

Inappropriate: Things that shouldn’t normally happen to children happen there like Esperanza being harassed at the fair.

Garbage: The people who live on Mango Street are mostly considered garbage and dirty to other people.

Hispanic: Most of the people on Mango Street are Hispanic.

Bold: People didn’t care what they did on Mango Street, they did what they wanted.

Oblivious: People were oblivious to the cycle of poverty and did nothing to stop it.

Rundown: Everything is old and rundown like Cathy’s old house. The stairs were crooked and no one bothered to fix it.

Hazardous: Esperanza was harassed, Angel Vargas killed himself, and Sally was beaten.

Outrageous: Things on Mango street are out of the ordinary for most. People normally don’t jump out of trees and break bones or jump off buildings.

Others: People from outside of Mango Street think it’s unsafe and don’t travel through it unless they have to.

Dirty: The people who live there aren’t necessarily dirty but their lives are.
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