I didnt this morning. I stayed up all last ngiht listening to The Amber Spyglass on cd. And playing solitaire. Why? I have no idea. Sleep has started to become something only possible during the time of day when the sun is present. Honestly, my cat can snuggle all night long but if she hits the bed and meow for me to come to sleep no matter what time of day it is I will lay down and take a nice long nap.
Soo friday I got drunk at nessas and comehow mandaged to whak my head falling down somewhere. dont remember. dan decided it would be funnny to tel his parents so at dinner tonight all i could get was jokes about how I am a drunk klutz. Whatever. At least they are comfortable enough and I'm comfortable enough for them to do that. I love his fam. I fonally got a video of sage singing "I kissed a girl and she farted", her own rendidtion on the famous katey perry song. I dont even know how to spell that singers name. I absolutly despise that song. Honestly. She cheated on her boyfriend with a girl. Ok who cares, honestly I do not need some girl telling me about how attractive girls are. I have enough lesbian friends to tell me that in non annoying song form.
Saturday I slept all day. I was too hungover to even eat or move.
Yesterday was boring. I did homework and watched TV with the rentals. I went to go pick up a book at the library that wasnt there. I guess my hold date expired the day before. WOW.
Today my amanda came over and we watched family feud. I think any shitty tv show is fun as long as im watching it with amanda. me her and tones watched a dog show for three hours. addicting and I have no idea why. But I found the dog I want. Called a Corgie. It's basically a mop. A dog with dreads.
there are two kinds. a komodor:
then there is a puli:
I need one. The black ones look more rasta and are smaller therefore kind of funnier, but the big ones are fun toooo. I just love the way they look when they jump. Best shit ever.
HAHAHAHA they make me so happy!!!