Fun weekend

May 23, 2005 16:37

Friday, softball game. probably our closest lose yet. haha, it is a pretty big accomplishment. after my game me Brendan and my mom went to go see my brothers game at ryans.

Saturday, Brendan came over and then we went to my game at 8 under the lights. we lost ridiculously again, but we did start to get so runs but we didnt to get within 15 of the other team or else it would be over and we only got like 11. But whatever, you get used to the losing. Its still fun though, i love my team.

Saturday night went out and picked Keri up. did my duty as Best friend. iloveyou Keri. and i always be here for you.

Sunday went to the Poughkeepsie Galleria with Brendan and his mommy, then back to his house. Brendan made me a Cd because he Loves me, Thank you, I love it. and for a amazing weekend. I Love You

pictures from sunday night...

just look at the look of determination on his face. Dan playing video games while all these pictures were being taken.

me after the first dye job

yea thats my best freind, and my nose.

<- I love her

its suposed to be chunky but whatever. mine came out more redish underneath with blondish orangish highlights, but i like it. Keris has really blonde chunks in it, its hot.

what do you think?


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