
Nov 13, 2005 14:09

Well! yesterday was 15 months to the day that ive been single. lmao

i was in town, i got the train with Dee n mish but they went to somehwere and i went to get ciara. i had a litre of schnapps in my bag by this point...and it was meant to be split between me n jen n lynn. they were nowhere to be seen so i ended up splittin it with adam.

eventually i found jen n lynn. we seen chubb lol. i hate her

i went back to new york and was gossipping for ages and crap
marie called me n said we needed a person to work saterdays caus charmiane the illegal immgrant went back to canadia lmao.
so ciara wants to work and im trainin her this week!

i can probably bring 2 or 3 of you
it will caus a 5r for a return because Ciaras mums work has booked a bus thingie etc.
so if u wanna come let me know

itll be excellent craic, a winter version of the portrush adventure <3

and aye its sunday stats time...

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