Jun 16, 2007 01:22
get ready for me to bitch like all hell.
...no joke.
i'm so sick of hearing about my friends being led on by douchebags that only want them for what's inside their pants, and are willing to go to the absolute limits to get it.
guys, what is it about leading us on that is so...well, good and exciting? is it the part where you make us believe that you like us? is it the part where we stay up all night just thinking about what we're going to say or do or even wear around you? or is it just the part where you crush every ounce of self-confidence we have left?
i honestly don't know, but i would like to. so if anyone would like to explain, i would love to hear.
so, maybe you're wondering why this bothers me so much.
well, truth is...i've been there. not once, not twice, but about five times. (so i've kept count, whatthefuckever.) and i always end up crying and crying and asking myself "what is wrong with me? am i not pretty enough? am i not good enough? am i not ... enough?" when the truth is that they really don't even care about that. all they want is their five minutes of pleasure, and then they move on the new flavor of the week.
well, i don't know about you, but quite frankly that pisses me off. guys, i don't know if you've noticed this, but girls have fucking feelings. some of us, infact, are very emotional. and it really hurts to be led on to believe that you like us one day, then the next you're like "well...sorry!" and if that's all you can say that you think is going to make it better, you need to fucking get a clue. "sorry" doesn't cut it. you need to start thinking with your mind, and not your fucking dick, k? some girls may say "oh, it's fine." but really they're dying on the inside because of what you've done to them. you completely taken away everything that she's worked for, and she has to start all over again with zero confidence.
whew, i need to take a breather.
like i was saying, you can't just go around messing with people's hearts...it can emotionally scar us for life. (well, maybe not life...but it takes a while. girls hold grudges, i promise.) and it just sucks to have to go through the day thinking "i'm not good enough, no guy will ever like me." if you don't think we think that? ask any girl who's been led on. i can assure you they've felt the exact same way.
so anyways.
i think that kind-of begins to explain a little bit of what i'm feeling right now. i just wish some guys would get a clue, really, and start using their fucking brains.