(no subject)

Sep 03, 2005 23:13

hey. I`m bored,again, so that means more surveys!!! lol. i`m such a loser.
*First quiz* put an X next to everything that applies to you. see which laguna beach charater you're most like.
 i've cheated on my boyfriend before[]
 i love to shop[x] i'm really bitchy.[x]
 i have blonde hair[x] i love to party[x]
i love the attention[x]
i love surfer boys[x]
 i love drama[x]
i can get whatever guy
 i want i tend to lead guys on alot[x]
i love to party[x]

i'm so gullible[x]
 i'm dumb
my boyfriend cheated on me when we were still going out & i knew it.
i get jealous easily.[x]
my friends are bitches
i like to have proof that my b/f is cheating on me before i break it up

lauren/lc i have mixed feelings for my best friend
 i'm very sweet[x]
 i love staying in-style.[x]
 people tell me i'm beautiful or gorgeous alot[x]
 i'm rich
 i hate saying good-bye[x]
 i have blonde hair[x]

i'm a very happy person[x]
i know how to catch a guy, even when he's taken
 i'm a brunette
 i'm good at planning scavenger hunts
i wear black eyeliner
i'm not afraid to ask a guy out
 i'm bitchy but in a silent way[x]

i surf like its my job
 i wear alot of hollister[x]
all i want is to be happy & content with my boy/girlfriend
 i've been cheated on before
 i like to travel
i work/worked at a surf shop
 i still have feelings for my ex.

 i know just what to say
 i love to surf
 i'm a liar
i cheat on my girlfriend
 i like to play pranks
 i smile away my troubles
 i have a nagging boy/girlfriend

*second quiz!* PlAcE aN x NeXt To AlL tHaT aPpLy To YoU
[[you love Lord of the Rings]]
[[you are not wearing any shoes]X]
 [[you are wearing PJs]]
[[you are on a laptop]]
 [[you recently went swimming]]
[[you have done nothing today but sit on the computer]]
 [[you ENJOY doing nothing but sitting on the computer]]
 [[it is summer vacation]]
[[you are bored as crap]X]
 [[you plan on seeing a movie tonight]]
[[you are aware that there is a midget with a knife sitting in the corner, staring at you]]
[[you just looked in the corner to see if there actually WAS a midget]X]
 [[you are now freaked out]X]
[[you are aware that I lied about the midget]X]
 [[you are home alone]]
 [[it is morning]]
 [[it is nighttime]X]
[[you love Spongebob]]
[[you have a dog]]
 [[you think paris and nicole should forgive each other]X]
[[you often end your sentences with the word: "sike
[[you are in love]]
[[you wish you had a boyfriend/girlfriend]]
[[you are going to the beach soon]]
[[you have one very best friend]]
[[you have lots of friends]X]
[[you are wicked awesome]X]
[[I am wiked awesome]]
 [[it is 4:30 PM]]
[[you wish you were a blonde]]
 [[you dye your hair frequently]
] [[you hate school]]
 [[you use school as an excuse to hang out with your friends]X]
[[you are glad this survey is over]]

*third survey!* ~ 300 Questions ~
&o1 Name - Kaitlin
&o2 Birthday - 5/15/90
&o3 Age - 15
 &o4 Height - 5'3ish
&o5 Weight - 110
 &o6 Eye Color - hazel
 &o7 Hair Color - blonde.brown
 &o8 What eye color do you want? - brown
&o9 What hair color do you want? - a deep brown, close to black
&o10 Favorite Food - fries
&o11 Favorite Color - pink
&o12 Favorite Place - NYC
&o13 Favorite Number - 3, 5, 7
&o14 Favorite Instant-Messaging Program - aim i guess?
&o15 Favorite Country - idk? &
o16 Favorite Band - the spill canvas
&o17 Favorite Movie - eh, idk
&o18 Favorite Singer - idk
&o19 Favorite Instrument - drums
&o20 Favorite Playstation/Xbox/etc game - eh, none?
 &o21 Favorite Computer Game -
&o22 Favorite Pattern - polka dots!
 &o23 Favorite Music Genre - all! &o
24 Favorite Store - hollister and ae
 &o25 Favorite Letter - K!
 &o26 Why is that your favorite letter? - first letter of my name... and yehh.
 &o27 Favorite MTV Show - laguna beach &o
28 Favorite FUSE show - um, idk what it is
&o29 DVDs or Videos - dvds
&o30 Casettes or CDs - cds
&o31 What nationalities are you? - um, idk. lol..thats pathetic
&o32 Favorite lyric from a song - hm, idk
&o33 Favorite Amusement Park - dorney or hershey. but pob. dorney cuz of the water park!! but hershey has some good memories &o34 Favorite Waterpark - idk
&o35 Ever traveled outside your state? - yess &o
36 What about outside your country? - no
&o37 What grade are you in? - soph
&o38 What school do you go too? - padua
 &o39 Do you still watch cartoons? - nah
&o40 What`s your favorite decade? - eh
&o41 Do you follow trends? - some
&o42 Do you set trends? - um, idk
&o43 What trend needs to stop, NOW? - um, the whole cowboy boots thing.
&o44 What do people label you? - um, idk?
&o45 Do you label others? - sure
&o46 Do you label yourself? - no
&o47 What colors are your bedroom? - white and blue
 &o48 What colors do you want your bedroom too be? - the color is it now, or i want it to be pink
&o49 Favorite Sports - um, i like to watch football, and basketballs ok too. I used to love to play soccer.
&o50 What type of computer do you have? - dell
&o51 What type of internet do you have? - um, juno?
&o52 How much did you weigh when you were born? - um, 7 pounds?
&o53 Are you creative? - in a way
&o54 Do you like DIY? - yeah
&o55 Can you sew? - yehh
 &o56 Can you knit? - nope
&o57 What`s your favorite weapon? - hm, idk? i`m not a violent person. lol
&o58 Ever beaten anyone up? - not really
&o59 Ever got beaten up? - no
&o60 Who are your best friends? - Mia, Jenn, Meagan, Amannda, Steph, Lindz
&o61 What friends do you hang out with most? - my besties at padua and mia and jenn
&o62 Who did you last instant message? - Shari! the love of my life
&o63 Who did you last talk too? - My bro
&o64 What are you listening too right now? - the tv? &o
65 Who`s birthday was last? - um, idk
&o66 Who`s birthday is coming up? - um, idk, amanndas is really soon
&o67 Do you wear glasses? - no, i`m supposed t but i don`t
&o68 Do you wear contacts? - no
&o69 Would you consider yourself 'deaf-dumb-blind'? - nahh
 &o70 What was your last vacation? - pochanoes!!
&o71 Do you like your bus? - no bus
&o72 Do you like the kids in your neighborhood? - yupp
 &o73 Do you often get mail? - yes/no
&o74 Are you always outside? - yes/no
&o75 Ever counted to 1,000? - nahh
&o76 Ever counted to 1,000,000? - no
&o77 When did you learn how to read? - idk, iw as little
&o78 When did you read your first chapter book? - idk??
&o79 Who was the smartest person you knew? - um, kat
&o80 Ever been inlove? - no
&o81 What was your first screenname? - um, idk, i think it was like kait515 maybe?
&o82 First email? - uh, idk?
 &o83 When did you get your first computer? - um, idk? i was in like third grade
&o84 What age did you get internet? - idk
&o85 What was your favorite show way back when? - idk
&o86 Do you like sunsets? - yess!<3
&o87 Do you like snow? - sure
&o88 Did you ever rake leaves just to jump in them? - yupp, duh, who didn`t?
&o89 Ever build a snowman? - yeah!
&o90 Ever played a guitar? - ha, tried to play my uncles
&o91 Who`s your favorite guitarist? - don`t have one
&o92 Who`s your favorite singer? - um, to many
&o93 What`s your least favorite store? - anything cheap with bad quality
 &o94 Ever been so hot you thought you where going to pass out? - yesss
&o95 Ever been so cold you thought you`d freeze to death? - yehh
&o96 Ever came close to dying? - yess
&o97 Ever saved someone`s life? - no?
&o98 Ever snuck into someone`s house? - yeah, but they were w/ me...lol
&o99 Ever snuck into someone`s backyard? - no?
&o100 Ever got a knife held up to you? - no
&o101 Ever got a gun held up to you? - nope
&o102 Ever held a gun? - no
 &o103 Ever held drugs? - no
&o104 Ever done drugs? - no
&o105 Ever had sex? - nope
&o106 Ever lost something you borrowed? - probably
 &o107 Ever stole something? - yehh
&o108 Ever eaten animal food? - nahh
&o109 If so, what kind? -
&o110 Do you listen to the radio? - yes
 &o111 What`s your favorite radio station? - 102.2, 100.3, 98.9, or w/e
&o112 What`s your favorite school subject? - lit i guess
&o113 What`s your least favorite subject? - hm, idk,
&o114 Ever failed a subject? - yeah, biology, and almost spanish
&o115 What`s the lowest grade you got? - 0
&o116 Ever had to repeat a grade? - nooo
&o117 Ever went to summer school? - nope, almost had to
&o118 How much do you spend on school supplies each year? - idk, not that much.
&o119 How much do you(or your family) spend on gas in a week? - idk, alot
&o120 Are you high-class, middle-class, or low-class? - um, idk i gess middle
 &o121 Are you a dark, gloomy person or a perky person? - perky usually
&o122 What do you like that most people never heard of? - um?
&o123 Are you unique? - sure.
&o124 What song is overplayed on the radio, MTV and everything else? - alot of gwen stafani, kelly clarkson, and green day songs. &o125 What`s the first Greenday song you heard? - i don`t remember
&o126 Ever been to a wedding? - yehh
&o127 Ever been to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah? - noo
&o128 Ever been to a Communion or Confirmation? - yeah
&o129 What`s the last movie you saw in theatres? - um, dark water
&o130 What`s the last play you saw? - uh, i don`t remeber.
&o131 Are you one of those people who change their screenname/email addy every week? - noo
&o132 What does your screenname mean? - idk. lol, i made it up a really long time ago
 &o134 What does your email mean? - it`s my aim sn
&o135 Who was your first crush? - hm, it was either joey, or mike, and it`s weird cuz i see joey like all the time
&o136 What are your pet peeves? - idk
&o137 What gives you a natural high? - shopping
 &o138 Ever got stoned? - no
&o139 Ever been pressured to do something? - yeah
 &o140 Ever been to a five-star restaurant? - yepp
&o141 When was the last time you ate fast food? - um, wednesday?
&o142 When was the last sleepover you had? - at mias, before jenn left
 &o143 Do you usually have sleepovers at your house or the other person`s? - other peeoples
&o144 Are a good, average or bad student? - average
&o145 When you get bad grades, what do your parents do? - they get pissed, and yell at me, but i don`t listen, and that makes them angrier.
&o146 Do you want a tattoo? - yeah, i`m getting one on my lower back.
 &o147 Do you want a piercing? - i want more, i only have 1 hole in each year. thats like nothing, i want my belly button peirced, my tongue peirced, like 3 more holes in my ears, and i want to gage my first hole.
&o148 What`s your religious beliefs? - catholic/other
&o149 Where did you discover your favorite band and how? - um, i listened to them at my friends house
&o150 Do you like the same things everyone else does or do you have your own little thing going on? - a litte bit of both
&o151 Ever been to a club? - no
 &o152 Is your neighborhood boring or is there always something going on? - boring
&o153 What`s the weirdest song you`ve heard? - many many
&o154 Do you like it when people do covers of other band`s songs? - not really
&o155 What is the most overrated song? - blvd of broken dreams and helena
&o156 What is the most underrated song? - hmm
 &o157 Do you listen to music that`s sung in a different language? - no
&o158 Did you ever like something then got most of your friends to like it? - yupp
&o159 What song lyric does everyone at your school have written everywhere? - um, idk
&o160 What music video do you see on most xangas & myspaces? - either green day or my chemical romance
&o161 What color is your keyboard? - black
&o162 Where do you do your food shopping? - um,idk, my mom does it
&o163 Do you like cemeteries? - yes
&o164 Did you ever own a drumset? - no
 &o165 If you could be in a band, what instrument would you play? - drums
 &o166 If you could choose the band name, what would it be? - hmmm
&o167 Did you ever misunderstand song lyrics? - yesss
 &o168 What did you think they were, and what were the real lyrics? - i don`t remeber
 &o169 Ever visit ebaums world? - yeah
&o170 If so, what did you think? - lol
&o171 Do you have your own domain name? - no
&o172 Do you have a website? - uh, i have a xanga, and a lj?
&o173 What last name do you like? -
&o174 What name would you pick for yourself? - idk, but i <3 the name brittany
&o175 What boy`s names do you like? - Joey, Danny
&o176 What girl`s names do you like? - Brittany, gabriella,
&o177 How many people are 'gangsta' at your school? - not many
&o178 What`s your favorite place to eat in the mall? - Bk, or that chinese place
&o179 What`s your favorite place to eat fast food? - BK &o180 Do people think you`re weird? - sure
&o181 What`s your locker number? - um, 1104
&o182 What`s your locker combination? - uh, it`s either, 27-5-29 or 29-5-27
&o183 Who did you share a locker with? - no one
&o184 Is your school over-crowded? - yehh it`s becoming to
&o185 What`s the earliest date you went back to school? - idk
&o186 What`s the latest date you got out of school? - dik
&o187 Ever got suspended? - noo
&o188 Ever been exspelled? -
&o189 Ever got detetion? - yehh
&o190 Ever participated in a spelling/geography/etc bee? - um, no
&o191 Do you need glasses/contacts, but don`t wear them? - yes
&o192 Do you need braces, but haven`t got them yet? - nope
&o193 Do you need to wear rubberbands if you have braces? - no..i don`t have braces
&o194 What`s the most painful dental thing you had done? - Whe i had my surgery. I don`t remeber what it was called but it hurt really bad, and i cried. lol
 &o195 Ever got surgery? - yeah, didn`t i jsut say that
&o196 If so, what for? - uh, my mouth?
&o197 How old is the oldest person in your family that you know of? - uh, i think like 85?
&o198 Do you look at the TV guide or the TV guide channel for TV listings? - nooo
&o199 What`s the longest survey you ever took? - 1,000 questions
&o200 What`s your favorite computer font? - i don`t care
&o201 Do you like MTV/MTV2/FUSE? - yes
&o202 What is the most overplayed video on MTV/FUSE that you HATE? -
&o203 What is the most overplayed video on MTV/FUSE that you LOVE? -
&o204 How many CD`s do you own?(not burned/mix cds) - uh, idk, all of my cds are burned
&o205 Where was your last class trip too? - hershey park
&o206 What types of movie do you like? - horror, ramantic comdies
&o207 Which of your favorite shows went off the air? - um, idk
&o208 Did you ever start a petition to bring back a show, band, store, etc? - nooo
&o209 What celebrities do you think are hot? - chad michael murray, bam margera<3, ashton Kutcher, Johnny Depp
&o210 Did you ever go pool-hopping? - nope
 &o211 Did you ever vandalize someone`s house? - nahh
&o212 If so, was it someone you knew or just some random person`s? -
&o213 What is the stupid song lyric you ever heard? -
&o214 When`s the last time you been to a cemetery? - uh, a long time ago
&o215 What`s the worst cut you ever got? - last year um... the 3 that are in a row... uh, yeah... i did that
&o216 Ever visited the hospital? - no
&o217 Ever had to be rushed to the hospital? - no
&o218 Did you ever run away? - yes, but then i came back home cuz i got bored
&o219 How many houses have you lived in? - 1, the same house my whole life
&o220 Do you have any relatives in different states? If so, what states? - yeah, uh, texas, and my unt and uncle live in china
&o221 What is your dream vacation? - paris! or bahamas
&o223 Have you ever seen someone doing something stupid in their car at a stoplight? - idl
 &o224 If so, what was it? -
&o225 Did you ever get into a car crash? - no, not a big one
&o226 Did you ever see a car go the wrong way on the highway? - nope
&o227 Did you ever almost drift out to sea? - no? &
o228 If you were lost at sea with only a boat, fishhooks and bait would you panic? - omigosh, yes!
 &o229 Do your family members force their beliefs on you? - not really, my g-mom kinda does
&o230 What is the longest amount of time you were away from home? - like, um, idk
&o231 Ever slept without air condishioning on a really hot day? - yehh
&o232 If so, did it take long to get to sleep? - not really
&o233 Do you make stupid faces in photos? - um, no?
 &o234 Do you have your own computer? - no
&o235 Do you have your own phone line? - noo
&o236 Do you have a cellphone? - no
&o237 Do you have a TV in your room? - no
&o238 Do you have your own computer in your room? - no
&o239 Do you have a playstation/xbox/other gaming console in your room? - no
&o240 Are you one of those people who are obsessed with Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, etc? - yeah! duh
&o241 Ever bought something, wore it once and it just sat there in your closet? - yeah
&o242 Do you hate it when your grandparents buy you a bunch of stuff you don`t need? - no, i like it when people give me things
&o243 Do you daydream often? - oo yehh
&o244 Did you ever fall asleep in class? - yesss
&o255 Do you like zippers or buttons better? - um, i don`t care &o256 What words can you think of that don`t have a vowel(NOT including Y) - shit i don`t know
&o257 Do you know what VCR or DVD stands for? - no
&o258 What are your nicknames? - kait, kaitzy, kaitster
&o259 Did you ever have a phone conversation with someone you met online? - um, yes/no?
&o260 Did you ever meet someone online then met them in real life? - nooo
&o261 Do you go in chatrooms often? - nope
&o262 How much spam do you get in your inbox daily? - i don`t really get any
&o263 What song did you hate at first, then start to like? - what you waiting for // gwen stafani
&o264 Do you play 'The Sims'? - once
&o265 Do you own the classic Nintendo? - nooo
&o266 Are you afraid of heights? - yehh
&o267 Do you watch Star Wars? - ew, no
&o268 What about Battlestar Galactica? - nooo
&o269 Do you have a cellphone? - no
&o270 If so, what model is it? -
 &o271 When`s the last time you`ve been to the beach? - july
&o272 Can you surf? - i wish
&o273 Can you snowboard? - noo
&o274 Can you ski? - hehe, yes...kinda..in a way... lol
&o275 Ever built a snowfort and got stuck in it? - nahh
&o276 If so, what happened? -
 &o277 Where is your desk located in homeroom? - by the window, next to amznda, and alicia
&o278 Are most of your teachers male or female? - um, it`s both
&o279 Do you like glitter? - yea
&o280 Are you attracted to shiney things? - somewhat
&o281 Ever built something? - suree
&o282 Are you getting tired of this? - yehhh
&o283 How many aunts and uncles do you have? - plenty
 &o284 Do you live with another family member besides your mom,dad and siblings? - no
 &o285 Did you ever get shoved in a locker? - noo
&o286 Did you ever steal something from the lost&found at school? - nope
&o287 Ever beat someone up? - not really
&o288 Ever been beaten up? - no
&o289 Did you ever ride a horse? - noo
&o290 Did you ever go to camp? -yes
&o291 Do you like to swim? - yehh, kinda
&o292 Do you do any after-school activities? - noo
&o293 What kind of car do your parents have? - dad- rav 4(he used to have a truck, and i loved it..but he thought it would be easier for em to drive this car, even though i don`t like it) mom-toyota
&o294 How often do you visit the mall? - idk, alot
&o295 What time do you wake up? - um, for school like 6, and on the weekend like anywhere between 10 and 1
&o296 What time do you go to bed? - whenever i want
&o297 Do you brush your teeth three times a day? - twice
&o298 Do you have the latest computer from Windows/MAC? -
&o299 Windows or MAC? - nahh
&o300 Last but not least..did you enjoy this survey? - i guess

ok, i`m done with surveys!!lol, that was a long survey! <333kait
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