May 02, 2005 21:44
Well school is winding down, this year definately went by fast, so yeah my weekend was pretty sweet on friday i saw a movie with jake and larry it was good, then we went to steak n shake and walmart lol that was fun, Saturday i worked from 9 in the morning til 6:30 at night i was sooooo tired, so that night i basically just sat at home and chilled which was still pretty cool...Sunday was great i worked from 9 to 12, then i went to this calculus review at school and there were chocolate chip cookies and they were freakin amazing, i think i had like 6 lol, then i came home and definatley talked to kelsey which was totally sweet and she sent me lots of text messages which i loved, you are so amazing, while i was getting some of dem texts i was bowling with my youth group and after we went out for pizza, it was great. I then came home and did some hw and talked to kelsey more <3 then i went to sleep:0 O i was definatley got texts at midnight and tried to text someone back but they got offline lol so Monday = i worked = not so much fun lol everyone have a great week later gators