Yesterday, it was freezing in my bedroom because of the wind from a cold front coming in through the open window that I sit in front of while I write. So I decided that I'd go write from bed for a little while. I was talking to
sylvrilyn at the time and we decided to do a 30 minute word war to give us both the little kick in the pants we so desperately needed at that point in the day.
Well, between being cold, comfortable, somewhat groggy from not having been up long... among other things, very shortly after the war started, I fell asleep. My Dad woke me up about five minutes before the war was over and I had a chance to add a few more words and end the 30 minute war with the biggest fail of my writing life thus far: 159 words.
I know where my story is going, so I didn't read over those words until last night and now, I would like to share with you one of the reasons why being able to type without looking could quite possibly be a terrible, terrible thing:
April laughed and looked over at the table. “I’m purple, I messed up your perfect elephant ride party again, didn’t I?”
“It wouldn’t be up to me if the trunk caught fire,” Matt teased, patting her elbow gently with his toes. “Come together, right now. Over cake.” April hurried her way to the shining protoplasmic star, wiping her face with her hands as she walked. Matt leapt and pried* the room open and pulled out the chair from his pocket to sniff the head of the table. For her it was.
“Thanks,” April was a Magmar, sniffling and smiling up fire balls. “I really do hate you and your fertilized bullets, b t dubs.”
Oh, human subconscious... why are you so freaking hilarious? Also,
runaway_tales people, can ANY of you see April ever spitting out a phrase like "b t dubs" rather than actually saying "by the way?" 'cos every time I try, I crack up a little bit. Or a lot.
I should make THAT my excerpt on the NaNo site, haha. Oh, and yes... those were some of the words that got tossed in the trash file last night, if you're wondering. They're easily the worst of the bunch. xD
*I honestly don't know what this word was supposed to be. I cleaned up the typos 'cos honestly, the typing was quite poor in that section, but a lot of it was repeated letters from my fingers moving too slowly and pressing the keys too long before moving. But this word originally said: plireiderd. I have no idea wtf that was supposed to be and "pried" is the only thing that even somewhat makes sense in this completely irrationally nonsensical blurb.