still the genius of
hi_falootin Short post today to say that every second of the day that I spend planning for SBF using Liquid Story Binder, I fall more and more and more in love with the program. Seriously, if I met the creator of this, I might look at him like I would look at John Green if he were standing in front of me. Okay, that's definitely an exaggeration 'cos, I mean, John Green?! Nothing beats that... except AJ McLean. But, in all seriousness, this program has made my life so much easier in regards to keeping everything that has to do with my massively giant series of books.
Honestly, I wish I'd had this program three years ago when I first started recording things for SoD and then building upon that to create this massive universe that the LTA Series has become. I'm finally able to put everything into one really small program [srsly, it's smaller than some of the songs I've downloaded] and have one window up and running. It's pretty great.
The only thing it's lacking that I've discovered thus far is a program to create a map, but since I don't plan on writing any other novels that need maps, so that's not a big deal... and I would love if the playlist feature had support for .m4a files, since that's what the majority of my music is in now, but that's also a minor thing, since I almost always have iTunes running anyway.
So, yeah. OctoOctober is going fabulously. Today I moved my SBF outline from Word into LSB and started working on a very convoluted family tree for the series as a whole. Matt and Vic both have their pictures added into their character profiles and now I just need to fill in the information for them [+April] and the characters are done. I even added the images for Island Gardens and Greenwich into LBF and think I'm going to make location dossiers tomorrow.
Though, I have a dilemma. University of Greenwich and where April / Matt live in Island Gardens aren't very far away. It's literally right across the Thames -- one stop on the DLR -- and if April walked really, really freaking slow [like, crawling on the sidewalk, slow] a 5 minute walk from the house to the station and from the station to the school. I had originally planned to put her in student housing / have her rent a room from someone nearby, but the more I think about it, the more sense it would make for her to stay home. It doesn't effect the plot very much at all, but it's one of those details that need to be worked out, you know?
That said: POLL!
Poll Housing And... I think that's about it for me today. [: