Hi everyone! IMISHEDYOUGUYS!!!!
Geezus d00d, like this stupid hurricane ruined everything. NO COMPUTER, No phone [especially no texting], no hot water, or lights. AND NO COMPUTER! with all my music inside. *Tear tear*
The really good thing that came from it was just looking at a sky full of stars for the first time. That was really nice.
So I still don't have reception and I realllly want to go to school. Haha weird right? But I miss meh buds. I wanna see you all. :(
PlUSHHHH, I got a few highlights in my bangs. What I really wanted was a few chunks of shocking blonde but since I was born in a 'plain jane' family, I got thin ones of gold. It's not SO noticeable, like I wanted.
Hm, I've been on AIM all day and no one interesting was on so I took a nap and things. So...GO ON MSN OR AIM! I'm bored.
I'm sowwy, but you know my photobucket is a lil a hole and always shrinks my pics
Soooo.....Whatcha ya think about how I spiffied my hurr? :)