Jul 04, 2005 21:49
Erase my answers, and fill with your own!
1) Name: Brittany
2) Single or Taken: Taken
3) Sex: Girl
4) Birthday: August 12th, 1991
5) Sign: LEO. yeah, bitch.
6) Siblings: none
7) Hair color: brown/blonde
8) Eye color: hazel, carmel, brown. depends.
9) Shoe size: 9
10) height: 5'3
* R e l a t i o n s h i p s *
1) Who are your best friends? Dakota & Taylor..more?
2) Do you have a boy as a good friend? yeah, Beaner.
*F a s h i o n S t u f f *
1) Where is your favorite place to shop? Pac Sun. probably.
2) Any tattoos or piercing: 1 belly button. 2 on each ear.
*T h e E x t r a S t u f f *
1) Have you ever smoked? yes
2) What kind of shampoo do you use: usually..um, Bed Head?
3) What are you most scared of: being emotionally hurt.
4) What are you listening to right now: phils voice.
5) What vehicles do you wish to have: Chrystler 300 C (sp?!)
6) Who is the last person that called you: Philllllllippp!
7) Where do you want to get married: outside or in church.
8) How many messenger buddies do you have on right now: 33
9) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: looks..in general
* F a v o r i t e s *
1) Color: green/black/gray/pastel pink/white
2) Ice Cream: Cherries Garcia
3) place to eat out: Boneyard. :D
4) Boy name: Phil
5) Girl name: Alassandra/Stacie
6) Subjects in school: sometimes gym..and definatly lunch
7) Animal: monkeys
8) Game: pictionary
* H a v e Y o u E v e r ? *
1) Given anyone a bath: yes
2) Bungee jumped: yes
3) Broken the law: yes
4) Made yourself throw-up: ALL THE TIME. lol, just kidding.
5) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: sometimes
6) Had sex before: ummmm?
* F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i n d *
1) Red: phils favorite color
2) Cow tipping: kidding
3) Socks: foot
4) Greenland: a place
* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *
1) Do you like filling these out: sometimes..if i'm bored.
2) Gold or Silver: silver
3) What is the last film you saw at the cinema: longest yard
4) Favorite cartoon character: timmy from the fairly odd parents
5) What do you have for breakfast in the morning: cereal. lucky charms. mmm.
6) Who would you hate being locked in a room w?: your butt hole. :x
10) Who would you love being locked in a room with: pshaw. easy, PHIL.
Last movie watched: Grease
Last cuss word uttered: fuck
Last beverage: Crush organe pop
Last food consumed: a cookie
Last phone call you made: phil
Last tv show watched: thats so raven
Last time showered: in the afternoon
Last shoes worn: converse
Last cd played: a burned one
Last item bought: uhm, i don't know.
Last song downloaded: long time ago on my computer. dk.
Last annoyance: my cousins
Last disappointment: thats not a hard one. lets see, when phil & i broke up.
Last thing written: a poem
Last ice cream eaten: ummm..cherries garcia
Last time amused: ummm..earlier prolly.
Last time hugged: cousin morine.
Last chair sat in: this one! lol, woo.
Last lipstick used: lipglossy type.
Last show attended: the longest yard
Last webpage: this one
Day of the week: friday
Least favorite day: monday
Flower: rose or sunflower
Jell-O flavor: the green kind
Summer/Winter: Summer
Saw you cry: my cousin
Made you cry: everything
Yelled at you: phil
Sent you an email: no one. haha, don't check my email.
Do you believe in love at first sight: yeah, sometimes.
Do you want children someday: sure
Most important thing to you in a friendship: trust & love
Things I dislike most about myself: looks..& shit
Worst feeling in the world: being sad
Best feeling: ?
How old do you look: older?
How old do you act: younger?
Do you have any pets: 2 cats
Do you get embarrassed: once in a while
What upsets you: stuff
What do you notice first: penis! lol. eyes [ * ]
Last person you slowed danced with: phil
Makes you laugh the most: haha. everyone.
Makes you smile: a lot of people
Can make you feel better no matter what: phil
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: naw
Save AIM conversations: yep
Save emails: nope
Wear perfume: yeah sometimes.
Fallen for your best friend?: yep
Been rejected?: yeah =[
Been in love?: now, yes.
Been cheated on?: um, have i?
Been kissed? : yeah
Done something you regret: yes
Color your hair?: mmhm sometimes
Have peircings?: 5
Own a webcam? : yeah
Own a thong?: mhm
Ever get off the computer? : yea
Stolen anything? : yeah
Smoke? : sometimes
Schizophrenic? : no
Obsessive compulsive?: no
Panic? : no
Anxiety? : no
Depressed? : yea
Long distance relationships: hmm..depends
Killing people: no
Driving drunk: no
Gay/Lesbian relationship: for
Soap operas: for
Food: ribs & chicken. :D
Song at the moment: prolly All Hail the Heartbreaker
Clothes: a wifebeater and sportyish pants or jeans
Band of all time: fallout boy & spill canvas
Disney movie: aladdin
Scent: pretty smells.
Nickname: b or britt are my favs
Pretty: no
Funny: yeah
Hot: nope
Friendly: yes!
Amusing: very much so.
Optimistic: sometimes
Caring: yes.
Sweet: yes
Dorky: lol, heck yeah! lol =P
stupid: no, smart.
i love you phil :D
Leave me an anonymous comment with...
♥ The First Letter of your Name.
♥ One compliment.
♥ Lyrics to a song that reminds you of me.
♥ An inside joke that we have/had.
♥ How long we've been friends.
♥ and hint to who you are.
i'll try to guess who you are!!!