May 17, 2006 00:08
lyquid mindz [11:53 P.M.]: hey ho
rodeo diva 2k5 [11:54 P.M.]: hey
lyquid mindz [11:54 P.M.]: sup
rodeo diva 2k5 [11:54 P.M.]: nothin, you?
lyquid mindz [11:54 P.M.]: so who u love?
rodeo diva 2k5 [11:56 P.M.]: chris, i waited on you. and i put up with you calling me names and getting possessive on me and shit. i tried to be a good girlfriend but you put me off for way too long. i've moved on. i'm sorry. i love you and i always will but i can't put my life on hold any longer for you.
lyquid mindz [11:58 P.M.]: lmao
lyquid mindz [11:58 P.M.]: well see i thought we was together
lyquid mindz [11:58 P.M.]: but oh ewll
lyquid mindz [11:58 P.M.]: *well
rodeo diva 2k5 [11:59 P.M.]: i thought we were too but being together entails actually TALKING to the other person and calling them and spending time with them. and not calling them slut or questioning their every move.
lyquid mindz [11:59 P.M.]: lol
lyquid mindz [11:59 P.M.]: if u say so
lyquid mindz [12:00 A.M.]: but see this proves it right here that ya are one :) but that's oooook i've had someone 10x better :) and actually looks good and dont outweigh me by 100 lbs :) hahaha see ya loser :)
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:01 A.M.]: that hurts, chris. that really does.
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:01 A.M.]: but i wish you all the best.
lyquid mindz [12:01 A.M.]: yea well
lyquid mindz [12:01 A.M.]: look at u
lyquid mindz [12:01 A.M.]: ur every move irritated me but that's oooook
lyquid mindz [12:01 A.M.]: :)
lyquid mindz [12:01 A.M.]: i actually never had any intention of comin back down there
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:02 A.M.]: i figured as much.
lyquid mindz [12:02 A.M.]: oh and i've had a phone since the day after i got rid of my other :) i just told u i didnt b/c i knew u'd blow it up
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:02 A.M.]: but yet i stayed faithful to you all that time.
lyquid mindz [12:02 A.M.]: yea right
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:02 A.M.]: and yet you wanted to marry me?
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:02 A.M.]: wtf.
lyquid mindz [12:02 A.M.]: lol i did the first couple weeks
lyquid mindz [12:03 A.M.]: but then it all changed
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:03 A.M.]: then why did you tell me that like 3 weeks ago?
lyquid mindz [12:03 A.M.]: bc i knew if i didnt i woulda heard all about it
lyquid mindz [12:03 A.M.]: and i dont even feel like hearin ur shyt
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:03 A.M.]: why couldn't you just tell me the truth so i could just move on?
lyquid mindz [12:03 A.M.]: b/c im sure u moved on a long time ago
lyquid mindz [12:03 A.M.]: :)
rodeo diva 2k5 [12:04 A.M.]: i didn't until this past weekend. because i found someone that doesn't treat me the way you do.
lyquid mindz [12:04 A.M.]: LOL
lyquid mindz [12:05 A.M.]: i treated u good and u can't say i didnt but w/e im sure he just wants azz too :) cuz that's about all ur good for HAHAHAHA see ya loser :)
lyquid mindz signed off at 12:05 A.M.