Aug 28, 2004 10:39
last night me and katie went to the just left show!
its was awesome and i got my kiss from bobby! if your reading this, i am one of the 9876543210 girls that want you. you are so adorable, and when you play, your two times cuter! but yeah, thanks for the kiss my dear. :] im listening to breathing under water and i L-O-V-E IT SO MUCH! it makes me think of daniel...... :\ he needs to listen to this song cuz its now my song for him.......
katie and i also saw a hawt cop with a nice ass.
some guy picking his nose at starbucks as we pulled up. and he looked right as us and kept diging. it was frikin garose but funny as crap!
then we went to streets and saw the exorcist. i saw it before with my bro, but it was still frikin scary as hell. katie got so grosed and freaked out. it was amusing.
two more nights in IL, then ill be in AZ beotch!
OMFG i cant wait!
so yeah, im completely done with the asshole, yall know who im talking about. hes a childish immature worthless lying bastard. and i am SOOOoooOOOO much better than him. BLAH! so this is the last time im going to talk about him. hahahaha. asshole. DOUCHE! FUCKER!
sry, i had to get that out guys. anywho..... i have to go potty and get ready for work.