May 11, 2005 20:55
today i didnt go to skool. im relly relly relly sick. i use 2 love getting sick when i was younger. not so kool any more. i missed sergios birthday. and i had made him this cute birthday hat =( tomarrow im not going to skool either.. im that sick. so yea yesterdey nite i was on the fone with miguel and then i was falling asleep so he made me click. i woke up at 1 cause i had a nitemare. then i went to wake up my mami. nd she gave me medicine and put some water vapor stuffs in my room. my throat is KILLING me. every time i swallow or cough it hurts alot =( nd now i have a fever nd i threw up. yuck. so then around 11 danny and elizabeth came over and nice lil danny bought me a cheeseburger. with out pickles =). i talked to him about miguel nd to elizabeth about nuthing in general and danny played dopewars. then they left me and i was bored again. i went to go watch some true life show and attempted 2 fall asleep but nope. i could only sleep for 30 min at a time at most. miguel got mad at me today. and it was the first time i had not done nothing wrong. he really made me mad and hurt me but w.e we are ok now. =/ just hope it doesnt happen again. friday is my best buddy ol pals b-day getty.. going to the keys with alot of awsome grls wOo hOo!! my cuhzin got cought cheating on his AP test nd got 10 deys outdoor and isnt alloud to take any more AP classes. shit sucks. my mami is going to go fix that stuffs tomarrow. dont worry homie i got ur back! 8) today my bro went to wannado city for a field trip and bought me something totally useless!! was a cutie =)