I'm going to do a series of angry santas over the next couple of months
I want to submit them to ellO for a holiday show
but I fear I shall become too attached to them
my friend Ben, who suggested "up your chimney", looked at these and just laughed. and then he turned to the workroom wall and leaned his forehead against it and laughed. That's exactly what I wanted it to do, and it was nice because it was such a sincere laugh. I love it when art makes people laugh, because it's refreshing in comparison to all the stuff I see from my classmates that are so ~personal~ and ~cathartic~. I know a piece of work can have a sense of humor, but it's even nicer, I think, when it actually makes the viewer giggle.
that's why I love brandon bird so much
he really influenced me this summer
i wish I could make it to california to see his solo show in August
awofrqfjo;fijq3o;gijo;qigj that would be soooo cool
saw st. vinent at the mfa
fo' free
and it was amazing amazing
mount eerie tomorrow
yes yes yes