This weekend was choice! Went to see Kyle's band with my brother, and the six of us slept on hardwood floors and looked homeless. The music and times, they were fantastic. Two hours of sleep makes Dunkin Donuts taste so much better.
I don't like the way this week is going so far,though. This is a problem, and it should be rectified. But Godspell is taking up so much god damn time, and then I have work. Otherwise, I just feeling like blobbing around the house, instead of being logical and doing something to make myself feel more useful. I've noticed that I talk an awful lot about doing certain things, but rarely carry out with them. Like, projects for myself. Series. Portraits. Awesome organization for my art area. Just, things that never come to fruition.
That having been said, I want to be Gustav Klimt when I grow up.
In about a month I'll have officially grown up, legally, and I won't be able to say that anymore. I don't have much time to get my shit together and become Gustav Klimt, the female astronaut-painter-therapist-violin-playing-wealthy-socialite.
At least I can buy scratch tickets then?