May 20, 2005 08:40
okay so yesturday i picked up cass after tanning (which i got totally burnt and my legs hurt so bad) and we went to frankietown. She looks soooo cute! Shes getting pretty big though and she said she wants to go to senior night tonight so i might take her there with me and jaydog
Holly forgot she told me to work 10-10 this weekend so i told her she told me to work 10-4 hahahah its great. But the getting up at 8 is gunna kill me
Im getting new tires on my car, an oil change and my windshiled washer fluid squirter fixed today so im excited cept i had to drive my moms crappy car to school
I dont really have any news except today is tracerinas bday so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACERINA!!!!
Ill update more once the weekend is over!