Mar 14, 2005 21:53
Hrm well...
Alot of things have been going through my mind...this whole scare about the problemo thing is really starting to get to me and make me think about things.
I just thought to myself the other day that my life is going good, its right how i want it and have always wanted it. Thats the first time Ive thought that in god knows when...
Now Im not sure what to think, applying for all these scholarships and applying for GCC and everything has really started to make me think about the future alot. I mean what am I going to do with myself? Whats going to happen next year when im working and going to college and jesses still gunna be in school? I hae a feeling things are going to change alot and Im not really sure what I think about it
Im real worried about Sarah right now...I have no idea where she is but she left this crazy journal entry and I called her house and her mom had no idea where she was...getting kinda worried...I LOVE YOU VALENTINE!
Thats another thing...everyone is starting to make me angry with their big mouths and me and Sarah arent getting along because shes being all psycho because I said it was dumb she didnt come to school alot...but you know she "doesnt even know who her true friends are" if you ask me
I made a video in lunch today it was pretty entertaining...
Im kinda depressed cause travis is leaving in 3 weeks and then it just wont be the same. I told him if him and his gf break up he could come back to BK haha
Jesse came to visit me at work i was so excited he he...and tomorrow im going to his awards banquet thing...
Anyway Im out...prolly going to call jesse im tired n kinda wanna go to bed early.