Last Night I Knelt Where Hiram Knelt
Last night I knelt where Hiram knelt
And took an obligation.
Today I'm closer to my God
And I'm a Master Mason.
Tho' heretofore my fellow men
Seemed each one like the other,
Today I searched each one apart'
"I'm looking for my brother."
And, as I feel his friendly grip,
It fills my heart with pride;
I know that while I'm on the square,
That he is on my side.
His footsteps on my errand go
If I should such require;
His prayers will plead in my behalf
If I should so desire.
My words are safe within his breast
As though within my own;
His hand forever at my back
To help me safely home.
Good counsel whispers in my ear
And warns of any danger;
By Square and Compass, Brother now!
Who once would call me stranger.
I might have lived a moral life
And risen to distinctions
Without my brother's helping hand
And fellowship of Masons.
But God, who knows how hard it is
To resist life's temptations,
Knows why I knelt where Hiram knelt
And took that obligation.
The Level and The Square
We meet upon the Level and we part upon the Square
What priceless words of meaning these words Masonic are
Come, let us contemplate them, They are worthy of a thought;
In the very walls of Masonry the sentiment is wrought.
We meet upon the Level and from every station come
The rich man from his palace and the poor man from his home,
For the rich must leave their wealth and state outside the Mason's- door,
And the poor man finds his best respects upon the Checkered Floor.
We meet upon the Plumb, 'tis the order of our Guide
We walk upright in every way and lean to neither side;
The All-Seeing Eye that reads our hearts and doth bear us witness true,
That we still try to honor God and give each man his due.
We part upon the Square, for the world must have its due,
We mingle with the multitude, a faithful band and true,
But the influence of our gatherings in Masonry is green,
And we long upon the Level to renew the happy scene.
There is a World where all are equal, we are hurrying to it fast,
We shall meet upon the Level when the Gates of Death are past;
We shall stand before the Orient and our Master shall be there,
To try the blocks we offer with His own unerring Square.
We shall meet upon the Level there, but never thence depart,
There's a Mansion, 'tis all ready for each trusting, faithful heart,
There is a Mansion and a welcome and a multitude is there;
Who have met upon the Level and been tried upon the Square.
Let us meet upon the Level then while laboring patient here;
Let us meet and let us labor though the labor be severe,
Already in the western sky the signs bid us prepare,
To gather up our working tools and part upon the Square.
Hands round Ye faithful Brotherhood, the bright fraternal chain,
We part upon the Square below and meet in Heaven Again;
And the words of precious meaning, those words Masonic are,
"We Meet Upon The Level And We Part Upon The Square."
I hope everyone had a safe and pleasant memorial day weekend!
Louis Armstrong -
What a Wonderful World (Single)