Jul 12, 2005 01:08
ok soo while i was in myrtle beach i met this kid named austin.. such a cutie i might add. he was sweet too kissed my hand and all.. then in hard rock cafe we were all dancing on the chairs and stuff and i saw these two guys standing up and clapping so i walked over and i was like so you liked liked that huh and the one was like " yeah i have some singles if you want them" haha umm then later on there waiter called us over and this mom of one of them asked me to take a picture with this kid so i took like 3-4 cause his friends or watever where on the other side of the table and stuff.and they told me they were from kentucky then his friend said" all he needs now is you number" so i bend down to write it down knowing he will never call and i see a couple flashes go off they were taking a picture of down my shirt! wtf?! haha so yeah we were walking outside and stuff and his friends say "get a picture with her on the bike" haha umm ok? so i did and others joined and stuff.. umm i guess thats alll....
<3**This Entry Was Dedicated to Sarah.. I'm Sorry I left this part out**<3