May 08, 2005 22:11
+ 001. name: Tori
+ 002. nicknames: Tor,Tori?
+ 003. sex: Female
+ 004. birthday: May 7th
+ 005. age: 15
+ 006. sun sign: Taurus
+ 007. place of birth: Niskayuna,Ny
+ 008. current residence:Bspa, NY
+ 009. hair color: Brownish with Red
+ 010. eye color: Brown
+ 011. height: 5'2
+ 012. writing hand: Right
Body Ills + Skills
+ 013. do you bite your nails?:yeah:-\
+ 014. can you roll your tongue?: i dont know?
+ 015. do you have any habits?: Cracking my knuckles,biting my nails
+ 016. can you raise one eyebrow at a time?:No
+ 017. colored hair: eh no just a little red?
+ 018. tatoos and where: Not yet
+ 019. piercings and where: 3 in each lobe,industrial,tragus,conch and bottom bellynutton
+ 020. do you make your bed daily?:nope
+ 021. which shoe goes on first?: i dont pay attention
+ 022. speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone?:yeah
+ 023. what jewelry do you where 24/7?: earrings
+ 024. how many cereals are in your cabinet?: um 3 right now? all nasty stuff
+ 025. what utensils do you use eating pizza?: depends sometimes a fork and knife sometimes none
+ 026. do you cook?: yeah sometimes
+ 027. how often do you do the dishes?: Once in a great while
+ 028. how often do you brush your teeth?: Twice a day
+ 029. how often do you shower or bathe?: 1-2 times a day
+ 030. how long do these showers last?: 15-30
+ 031. hair drying method: blow-dryer
+ 032. do you swear?: sometimes
+ 033. do you mumble to yourself?: sometimes i guess
+ 034. do you spit in public?: i have before?
+ 035. person you talk most on the phone with?: Sara or Amanda
+ 036. what color is your bedroom?: White with Black Cow Prints
+ 037. do you use an alarm clock?: nope
+ 038. name one thing and person you're obsessed with: Dance and hmm I guess Christina Aguilera?
+ 040. whats your sleeping position: I start on my side from there no i idea
+ 041. what kind of bed do you like?: mine, sara's or the hotel bed in NYC i slept in
+ 042. in hot weather do you use a blanket?: Always.
+ 043. do you snore?: no idea?
+ 044. do you sleep walk?: ii guess i have before
+ 045. do you talk in your sleep?: i have before
+ 046. do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: nope
+ 047. how about the light on?: i cant sleep with any light
+ 048. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on?: radio
When Was The Last Time You
+ 049. watched bambi?: umm never
+ 050. talked on the phone?: like 25 minutes ago
+ 051. read a book?: umm last time we had to read for english?
+ 052. punched someone?: nope
+ 053. where do you see yourself ten years from now?:umm hopefully in NYC Dancing on Broadway or Being A DMT
+ 054. who are you gonna marry and where?: no idea who.hopefully on a beach
+ 055. how many kids do you want to have: 1or 2
+ 056. who is your best friend?: Sara,Dan,Amanda i have a few
+ 057. what friend do you hang out with the most?: Sara
+ 058. what friend makes you smile the most?: All of them<3
+ 056. friend that you fight with the most?: I don't know..
+ 060. one you talk to on the computer the most: not sure
+ 061. friend that you miss the most?: Ashley
____YOUR LIFE____
[x] my first breath of air: May 7th,1990
[x] age: 15
[x] status: single
[x] occupation: student
[x] nationality: FrenchCandian, Indian,Irish, Polish
[x] best homegirl[s]: Sara
[x] most memorable memory: hmm not sure
[x] first word uttered: Mom
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: My MOm
[x] future resident of: New York City
[x] wedding: beach<3
[x] children: atleast 1
[x] looking forward to thanksgiving: i guess?
[x] NOT looking forward to: umm getting old old
[x] feeling: Alright
[x] Listening: We Belong Together-Mariah Carey
[x] Talking: No one
[x] doing: this survery thingy
[x] craving: nothing
[x] thinking of: nothing really
[x] hating: not sure
[x] love is: I don't know yet
[x] first love: Noone.
[x] current love: Nobody.
[x] love or lust?: Love
[x] best love song: Love Of A Lifetime-FireHouse<3
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: No
[x] when love hurts, you: never been in love
[x] true or false - all you need is love: false.
[x] have you ever been in love?: nope
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: nope
[x] dog or cat: cats
[x] short or long hair: It depends..
[x] innie or outie: lol, innie.
[x] sunshine or rain: rain
[x] moon or sun: Moon,
[x] basketball or football: football
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: Both
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: one best friend
[x] bf/gf or best friend: best friend
[x] tv or radio: hmm both
[x] starbucks or jamba juice: Starbucks
[x] mc donalds or burger king: mcdonalds i guess
[x]summer or winter: summer
[x] written letters or e-mails: e-mails.
[x] playstation or nintendo: playstation.
[x] disney or nickelodeon: disney channel
[x] car or motorcycle: car
[x] house party or club: club
[x] sing or dance: Dance
[x] freak or slow dance: depends on my mood
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: AIM
[x] google or ask jeeves?: google
[x] can you swim?: Yes
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: not sure
[x] what are you scared of?: Heights,Bugs,Snakes
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: Being Able to Dance
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: A House?
[x] do you like tomatoes?: abs.hate them.
[x] how many TVs in the house?: 4
[x] how many DVDs do you have?: alot
[x] last doctor visit: 2 weeks ago