Aug 26, 2008 22:41
I haven't written in two days, and it amazes me at how crazy those two days have been.
School yesterday.. I was excited, yay for school. blah blah blah. My first class went well. I love my teacher and it'll be an easy ass class. My 2nd class was college algebra, which I was dreading. I've taken this class twice now, this would be my 3rd, and I've failed it both times. I've wasted so much time and money and stress on college algebra.. So of course I'm not excited to take it again. Well, at the end of the class, my teacher goes "Oh, and to make your lives easier, if you're not a math or science major, don't take this class. It isn't necessary for your AA. Only math and science majors have to have this class, unless of course you're a math nerd and just enjoy it." ....... WHAT? I stayed back to question him about it, and turns out it's true. I don't need this class. I still need two math credits, but I do not need college algebra. I can take liberal arts and college math, but I do not need college algebra. So I've basically wasted a shitload of money and time on this stupid class. I was soooo pissed off. If I could remember who my original councelor was who told me I needed this class, I'd hunt her down and raise hell.
So I leave that class, royally pissed off and in a bad mood, and I get to my photography class.. which I was hella excited for. Anyway I get there, and find out that I need to buy a $200 camera for the class. HUH? It's a beginning photog class, I was told they'd provide cameras to be lended out since it's a beginners class. Apparently I was told wrong... I don't have the money to buy a 200 camera. I mean yeah, if I knew for sure that I'd be good and it'd be worth it, then I would in a heartbeat but that's not something I know til I take the class. Ya know? So I had to drop that class as well.
By this point in time, I'm in a horrible mood and about to cry. I went to Panera and sat there for 2 hours, picking new classes. At this point in time, getting into good classes is damn near impossible, but thank GOD I was able to find two more classes. I got into the math class I'm SUPPOSED to be in. And I got into a tv productions class in place of photography. I figure it's still a class towards my major and I'll be able to learn something, even if it isn't photography. Ya know? So thank God for that. I got my schedule figured out and tomorrow will HOPEFULLY be a great day. And now, with my new schedule, I have a 45 minute break between my 2nd and last class. Before I didn't have a break at all and it suckeddd. lol
And today.. today just brought my spirits down again. A few months ago I had my annual pap, and it came back abnormal.. and with the history of cancers in my family, my doctor scheduled me for a colcostopy... which means they check out my cervix and see what's going on. NOT FUN!!! Apparently I'm not a normal case bc of the way my results came back, so my doctor was more concerned than normal... So I did the test, and she said I have the first signs of cervical cancer. :-/ As of right now, my cells are shifting and morphing, and the next step is for them to turn cancerous. It can happen in two days, or it can happen in 20 years, but either way, I'm screwed. She took some samples and is running more tests to find out for sure how advanced it is and what we're gonna do. I'm not gonna lie, I'm freaking scared. I know how cancer runs in my family, especially colon/ovarian/cervical, so I know my chances. I'm too young to be worrying about cancer. I'm too young to be this stressed out about my health.
I probably shouldn't freak out yet. I should wait until my test results come back before I get all stressed.. but it's not that easy. Ya know? It sucks. I told my mom not to come with me to the appointment, that I'd be fine, but as I'm sitting there, I got scared and wished I had someone to hold my hand. I just hope & pray that it turns out to be nothing serious and I can just forget about it all.