Meme time, SPN meme, snagged by
ckll The first character I first fell in love with: this is not even a question, Dean
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Castiel
The character everyone else loves that I don't: none
The character I love that everyone else hates: Jo (yes because this fandom hated her in S2) and Bela in S3.
The character I used to love but don't any longer: not sure about it, I'd say Bobby...I am sorry but I find the character kinda flat.
The character I would shag anytime: Dean
The character I'd want to be like: Mary
The character I'd slap: Ruby
A pairing that I love: Dean/Jo
A pairing that I despise: Sam/Ruby
My five favorite characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam, Jo, young!Mary&John.
My five least favorite characters: Ruby, Gordon, Madison and none else I think.
Which character I am most like: Dean.
My deep, dark fandom secret: None, if some people stop to tempt me dragging me into the slash shipping side but they won't win ;)
Batman: Under the Red Hood blazes onto DVD July 27! Starring the voice talents of Bruce Greenwood, Niel Patrick Harris, Jensen Ackles, and Jason Isaacs.
Now news on babyGaia. The doc visited her and she found out Gaia has a tonsillitis. She gave her some medication and since last night her temperature has lowered. Her throat is sore and full of plaques and that's why she doesn't want to eat. Anyway she doesn't whine too much and she plays a lot, so I guess she feels better.
Thanks for all your comments and get well wishes.