More thoughts on 518.
Few more things about Castiel and Dean, because you don’t have to think I love Cas any less!
-As some of my friends pointed out in their reviews, Castiel acted out of love and pain. He was hurt and hopeless. He felt betrayed by Dean’s actions and he had every right to feel like that.
Cas is an angel, his mind works differentely from ours, it’s black or white and even though he is adjusting to live with the humans, he is not and he can’t understand Dean. Dean who pushed him away, who showed him he was the one not to have faith anymore.
Dean said and did things to Cas that hurt him and he didn't care because I guess his low self esteem didn’t allow him to understand that his words and actions are taken in consideration. When finally Cas told Dean he didn’t trust him, it was like a punch for Dean, but a good one, like Sam words.
What was doing Dean? Failing everyone with his suicidal attitude. Doing what he doesn’t ever want to do, failing the people he loves the most. So yes, I can totally relate to Cas and I loved every single moment Dean and Cas exchanged. Loved everything Cas did actually, even the infamous "I don't have the same faith in you that Sam has" line, because after that, Cas fought the angels to let Dean rescue Adam and he did, without questioning him further.
Can I forget that Cas has always been on Dean's side? Never verbally abused him? Never really criticized him? Nope, I can't, so yes Cas deserves some understanding.
-The point with Dean in this episode was that he was hurtful and he didn’t want to listen to his team, not until they kept yelling at him, not until they tried to get him back in the old fashioned way of dealing with Dean, pushing back, yelling, dropping their pain for him on his shoulders, as Mandy said.
Dean changed his mind just because Sam was able to listen and to talk, was able to change his perspective, it was not “all about me”, but it was all about Dean. When Sam apologized for having left Dean, he took the responsibility of what broke Dean's trust in Sam in the first place and I can’t help but thinking how much did Sam help Dean just admitting this.
Sam was there for Dean for a change, even when Dean hurt him telling him how he really felt.
So basically what I am trying to say is that Dean is flawed and he makes mistakes, but I love him to bits because he is able to stop and listen, to make the right call.
-As for Dean saying yes, I think it’s not bad per se to say yes, but it’s not good for Dean’s character. As
smilla02 said very clearly, I could see how much it disgusted Dean the idea that he had to say 'Yes' to Michael. It goes against everything Dean has represented in the show so far and against everything that makes Dean the flawed, awesome character that he is.
I couldn’t agree more. I am not sure Dean will be strong enough to say no in the near future but his inner self rebels because Dean has always fought and won just counting on himself and his beliefs. His strength is in his humanity, his family, his business and in the fact that, as Anna said, being the one who fights for others is such a fundamental characteristic of Dean that giving it up means negating who Dean is.
That’s why I think it would be OOC to say yes but of course with SPN everything is possible
-Dean killed an angel and we learn from "On the Head of a Pin" (4x16) thatn that only an angel can kill another angel. So what’s up with this? Is THE RIGHTEOUS MAN more powerful than an angel? Is Dean a fallen angel? Is he an angel in disguise who doesn’t know it? I do really prefer to think that he is special because he is human and that his strength is due to his faith, even when it seems he doesn’t have any.
Enough rambling!