A nice interview with Jim Beaver, who really loves our boys :)
Jim Beaver mild spoilery interview “We have a lot of fun, even with the emotional scenes and that’s not to say we don’t take them seriously,” says Beaver. “I remember when Jensen was doing the scene where he’s talking to Sam’s dead body, he kinda wanted some quiet time and we respected that. I think Jared and Jensen and I are similar actors in that we play right into whatever the scene calls for at the moment, but we’re pretty good at separating our lives once they call cut.”
“Jared Padalecki is the world’s tallest rascal. He’s irreverent, full of jokes, full of fun and really, really good at what he does.”
“Jensen’s not as wild as Jared, but he’s just as funny and he’s really deeply devoted to what he does for a living. He’s a sweet guy, which is something coming from a guy like me.”
Awwwwww...I adore this man! And of course Jensen makes me melt :)
SPOILERY interview with a S4 guest star.