Val posts the link for download the sides usually, but I don't know where to find the side... So you are a memeber of Supernatural TV forum, you can read a summary of the episode here
Episode 4.06.
ETA:But since
leelust is awesome, you can find the
sides here ETA 2:
Question: Do you want to give me some Supernatural scoop? -- Hillary
Ausiello: As a matter of fact, I do! Prison Break's Dameon Clarke will be channeling his inner Jeff Goldblum when he guest stars this November as a middle class father who begins to freak out when he realizes he's turning into a terrifying fly-like creature.
Source Ausiello files.
Link posted by Ruth10 on the SN TV forum. I guess, it was posted by other people on other places, but I read it there and I have no idea who is the first person who posted it in the fandom.