[OOC: *lemming sound* Alex Krycek, Alec/X5-494, Logan Cale]

Jan 05, 2007 00:50

Alex Krycek (X-Files)

Alex Krycek is kind of a jerk. And a sneaky, backstabbing weasel who got was shot and killed for his sneaky backstabbing ways. But then some aliens cloned him and sent him to Fandom High, hoping he'd become their saviour. ...So that wasn't really well thought out, but points for trying, guys. For those keeping track, this means Krycek's being taken out post season 8.

He's slightly less of a sneaky, backstabbing weasel now, if only because the whole dying and being cloned thing sort of gives you a bit of perspective. He's not hugely friendly, but not against meeting and knowing people, and comes off as kind of jaded, snarky and kind of aloof.

One thing is that, despite the general air of tolerance and acceptance at Fandom, Krycek's told maybe three or four people about his past it's nice when it proves your paranoia is well-deserved. Unless you're one of them, then he's just another teenager with a higher than average knowledge of international espionage, FBI procedures and Earth invasions by shape-changing aliens.

Here is his last info post with more detail and a link to his original info post with more canon info.

Alec/X5-494 (Dark Angel)

Alec's pretty, knows it, doesn't care if you know he knows it, and is still likely to get what he wants by virtue of charm and cheek. He was made (which fact he doesn't mind sharing) along with the rest of those like him in order to be the US government's next big supersoldier army and as a consquence had no real childhood to speak of. He's quick to pick up on things, happy to learn more, but occasionally something will baffle him.

He's also really happy to get laid whenever possible, especially if it doesn't end up in a relationship. If you'd rather Alec didn't flirt with someone, or even if you want him to flirt more then drop me an IM or email and we can work something out. I try to rein him in either because I'm tired or I'm hesitant to step on toes as far as someone's character's emotional health. Even if he's not flirting, he's happy to be friendly and talkative.

Alec's from pre-series canon, which means most of the things mentioned in the show just happened a couple years earlier on. I did that to make sense of why he went to Fandom in the first place, but it sort of makes my head hurt when I think too closely on it.

Here is a slightly longer run-down on this Alec and where he comes from, if you be curious.

Logan Cale (Dark Angel)

Logan Cale is a cyberjournalist from Seattle who's in Fandom to put some distance between him and his girlfriend, Max (who is one of the aforementioned genetically empowered supersoldiers like Alec), while she gets her political groove on. He's rather easy-going, very intelligent, and also hot. ...Yes, I am very shallow in my character choices, shh.

As a teacher, he's not the best, but he's trying. If he can make sure at least one person walks away from his class with the ability to see past the governmental propaganda machine, then he'll feel he's done something worthwhile.

I've been very lax in getting him socialized, which I lament to the heavens on a regular basis, but hopefully I'll manage to get him out more this term.

Questions and/or comments?

background, ooc

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