He gauged how much to tell Alec, then decided to go for it. "You remember what I told you the first week, about how I might start losing time and get weird if my insomnia got too bad? They help with that, too."
"Right now, here, is real," he added. "I think. Do you think it isn't?"
"Yeah, well, I didn't get that brain model," Tyler said, voice softly mocking.
He flopped back and was silent for a long moment. "So you don't know that I'm real and I don't know that you're real, and neither of us entirely sure this is real and ... fuck. We're probably just the insane projections of a brain in a jar somewhere."
"Think we could trade them in?" He asked, not particularly hopeful.
"I could almost live with that. Maybe if we think about it hard enough, someone will knock it off the shelf," he said, reining in the edge of hysteria that rose with the morbidity.
"How do you know what's real?"
He gauged how much to tell Alec, then decided to go for it. "You remember what I told you the first week, about how I might start losing time and get weird if my insomnia got too bad? They help with that, too."
"Right now, here, is real," he added. "I think. Do you think it isn't?"
"But there's no way to tell for sure," he said. "I don't know. Maybe."
He rolled over restlessly. "It's under control now." Even if you aren't, the first Tyler's voice mocked from the back of his head.
He paused, hesitating. "You aren't a hallucination, are you? Because if you are one, then this isn't real."
[OOC: Going AFK. Back around 5-ish my time.]
He shivered a little as a shiver slid down his spine and, thankfully, faded. "Could be. No way to be sure, is there?"
He flopped back and was silent for a long moment. "So you don't know that I'm real and I don't know that you're real, and neither of us entirely sure this is real and ... fuck. We're probably just the insane projections of a brain in a jar somewhere."
"I could almost live with that. Maybe if we think about it hard enough, someone will knock it off the shelf," he said, reining in the edge of hysteria that rose with the morbidity.
He sat up and reached for a clean t-shirt. "It's almost morning. I'm going to go find some coffee. You want anything?"
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