Nov 21, 2005 12:00
So my weekend went like this. Didnt go to school Thursday or Friday. ended up working most of the day thursday and then i worked at 3 friday. I hung out with kenny on saturday. Played Halo, watched land of the dead. Went to work. Closed. Sunday i was supposed to see Harry Potter with Cynthia, couldnt find her so i called kenny and he and i went to see it. While we were there i found Amber and her sister were there to see Potter at the same time kenny and i were seeing it. So.. go to sit in between Amber on my left. and Kenny on my right. Weird. the movie was pretty good. it would have been so confusing if you hadnt read the books. and even more confusing if you didnt see the other movies. and then i went to pizza hut ... not dressed in work cloths and just had salad... and the people in the dining room looked at me funny. and i got a soda from behind the counter.. and people just stared at me. it was pretty funny... then.. worked at 5... had 3 tables... got a $5 tip, a $4, a $2, and then a table of 9 left me a $12 tip. so ... not bad for only have 4 tables the whole night. and then kenny came back to work at close to help me do all my side work..and it was so cute. he put up all the chairs and he cute.
Me and Nessa have been closing together lately and we just turn up the stereo and blast rock music through the whole place. and then we do all our work while we jump and dance around. its awesome.
i have to go back to working on my senior paper...